Surah-Az-Zalzalah | 'The Earthquake' | Mishary bin Rashid Alafasy

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#mishary #surahzalzalah #earthquake #earth #shake #move #zalzalah #zalzala #zalzla #moving #deeds #compassionate #god #godprotection #evil #eyes #evileyes #command #graves #rise #from #human #kind #learning #day #resurrection #surahbaqarah #rewards #fourth #quran #quranrecitation #qurantranslation #tilawat #allah #allahuakbar #light #justice

Surah al zalzalah is one of the greatest surahs in the Holy Quran that Muslims should learn and take lessons from it for their lives as it explains the horrors of the Day of Resurrection and what will happen to the earth and what is on it.
The seemingly lifeless and mute earth which the humans have lived on, thoughtlessly doing all kinds of acts, will speak by God's command. Humans will rise from their graves in different groups to see a complete presentation of their deeds.

00:00 Intro
00:11 Itha zulzilati al-ardu zilzalaha
00:17 Waakhrajati al-ardu athqalaha
00:22 Waqala al-insanu ma laha
00:27 Yawma-ithin tuhaddithu akhbaraha
00:33 Bi-anna rabbaka awha laha
00:38 Yawma-ithin yasduru annasuashtatan liyuraw aAAmalahum
00:48 Faman yaAAmal mithqala tharratinkhayran yarah
00:55 Waman yaAAmal mithqala tharratinsharran yarah
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