ISFP in 5 Minutes

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When listening to type descriptions, remember that "type portraits" can never accurately describe all people of a given type. Descriptions and portraits like these can only describe the types as they typically are.
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ISFPs don't really complement others but if they do they really mean it.
What ISFP say: Damn, you look good in that dress.
What ISFP meant: That dress brings out your style and personality do well, damn!!!


I personally love being an ISFP, but it wasn't always easy. I was considered weird because of how reserved i am. I rarely speak and my thoughts really do run deep. i rarely talk about my own problems, i just listen to others. i wish it was easier for me to communicate my thoughts and feelings, but like the guy said i like to keep my words short. when someone says something i just reply with "MM" "OK" "AH" it is very easy for me to "get into people's heads" idk why, it's just easy for me to empathize with people and understand what they're feeling (main reason why i cry during sad movies) I often don't understand how people can be so judgmental sometimes. My friend likes to vent to me about her problems. i usually give pretty good advice because of what i said before. she says i'm a good listener and easy to talk to (only when i'm interested in the conversation) like some other people said, i also have a go with the flow attitude. it mainly shows at school. my teachers liked me because of it. also because i keep my mouth shut. commitment SUCKS if is sign up for something, i know for a fact that i'm not going to be interested in the future. mainly why i don't sign up for talents shows or anything like that. man i wish late middle school - high school wasn't all about "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO IN THE FUTURE" IDFK only the future knows. hahaha sorry about my rant, i'm just happy there are others like me.


it's tough being an isfp. with such deep feelings, it doesn't take much to affect me in a strong way. not wanting to impose on others, sometimes i feel like the world is trying to crush me. as in introvert, i tend to keep these issues to myself. i lack allies. it makes me uneasy.... then it makes me mad and i harden myself up, taking encouragement from the istp. i'm on the border anyways, but i go with my feelings.... or rather, my feelings take me. i feel like a passenger in my own mind.


I love how well this describes me. As an ISFP school has always been hard for me because I simply "go with the flow" it really sucks sometimes.


the actions speak louder than words part is spot on.


I love ISFP s. They are one of my favorite types. They're the ones who help me talk through my stuff when I am being introspective ( I'm a ENFP ) they're just the kindest souls


I'm an isfp, i always felt i'm different from the group, sometimes it upsets me because i felt left out but later then i start accepting things the way they are.


I am an INFP and my boyfriend is an ISFP. Our ideologies and what we want to do with our lives are similar. Both of us love to help others. Our differences complement as well. I can't decide things on my own yet he knows what he should and should not do that is why I rely on him in terms of decision-making. I still can't believe that I am with the most perfect man who has the softest heart, and a soul made of gold. Still, I have no idea what right thing I did to others and to myself to be blessed with this beautiful man. We are getting married next year, and I still cannot believe that this perfect guy loves me as much as I love him.


I'm an ISFP with some narcissism and even I don't like to boast about my achievements or control people. Unless I really want something badly, then I can turn into a drill sergeant. I deeply admire myself, but I still feel angry when I watch somebody's identity being interfered with.


I'm might be a isfp but I'm turbulent I worry about what other people say about me but sometimes I just don't care about what people think... I'm weird I change easily but I guess that's what makes me special! 😊 but even though I act extrovert on video in person I'm quite the opposite.. I rather be alone and type things and not see people face to face.. my brain thinks if I don't see them they are not really there, therefor making me seem more outage and cheerful! 😁 but sometimes I do make friends by talking to people in real life it's just I don't always talk much... but that can quickly change 😂😅


I'm an ISFP but I'm not seen as "cool" whatsoever.
I'm really shy and I get the feeling that other people don't like me, so I don't want to make them hang out with me


ISFP’s should have an annual meeting of pleasant vibes 😎


That cat and bird analogy is spot on of what I do and am all about.


I am an ENFP, and I think ISFP is the most amazing personality type. Ya'll are so lucky.


Well damn. This described me perfectly.
Now I know why I used to hate it when I was made to get into a routine at school and why I wear and listen to what I want no matter what people think of me :)


The part about letting only certain people into our world is spot on.

I also agree with the discomfort felt from a structured environment like a high school classroom or an office work setting.

The only thing I think they got wrong is that ISFP types can't sell themselves or their skills. I wouldn't have landed the job I did without a 4 year degree if I hadn't crushed the interview.


I don't know about the "live and let live" thing. I mean, I'm probably either an ISFP or INFP, ISFP more likely, and for me, there are some ethics and values that if crossed, I might get upset and argumentative. I would let slide things that don't impact my life or other people's lives, but if it tramples on others, I'll take a stand... For example, I'm all for smoking bans inside buildings and was happy when it happened because it affects not only the smoker but others too. I also am very concerned about pollution an the damage we do to the environment because it affects not only us now and future generations but also animals and plants... Other living beings.

So my outlook on "live and let live" is only on things that are personal choices that don't negatively affect others. For instance, I don't personally like polygamy but if a group of consenting adults engage in it, they're being cautious and they're not hurting anyone, then who am I to tell them what to do? I have much bigger concerns than to worry about such trivial things, like climate change, which endangers a lot of species including our own.

I wish humanity would be united in things like human rights and climate change, but not care so much about individual choices like gay marriage, how we look or how much money we make, as many who are the most helpful/contributing to society are often not earning a lot. That would be my ideal society (along with some other ideas but it's not important to discuss for this).


INFJ here! Recently met someone who I think is an ISFP and dayuum. My first interaction with him blew him away to his own shell. I really liked him because I get to learn how to use my Se more. But what made him run away from me was my judgemental first impression towards him (which he didn't like). Part of my values is that I have to tell my truth with no filter. I may seem judgemental, but it doesn't mean that my first impression would be my final impression of him because I value humans and their growth. I used to hate being blunt but now I learned that I have to do that or else I'll end up internally rotting if I don't express myself. I thought that I was doing him a favor for being truly honest. But now I have to carefully sift through my words for the sake of respecting his values.


Haha i’m an INFJ and i’m here to learn about my friend😂Hello ISFPS how is it going!?😸


I watched this because I just took a test that said I was an ISFP and I had no idea what that meant, but now I see why I got that. This video literally describes me and I'm proud
