I Samuel 25 verses 1 to 23 English Bible Study

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As you sow, so shall you reap..
Good brings its own reward, while evil recoils on the head of the wicked."

This chapter opens with one disappointment for David, the death of his mentor Samuel, and it closes with another, the departure of his mate Michal. This suggests that the events of Chapter 25 took place when David was at a low point in his life emotionally. David did not conduct himself completely honorably at this time. He is not the hero of this chapter.

When two arrogant men David and Nabal are unable to resolve an argument about sheep without spilling blood of hundreds of innocent people, a wise-hearted woman, Abigail steps in. Her courteous words and her respectful dialogue, diverts David from his reckless plan. This woman Abigail is heroine of this chapter.. God used a woman to avert a tragedy in Israel"s history, again (others are Deborah Judges 4; Tekoa woman in 2 Samuel 14:2-20; a wise woman from Abel Beth Maacah in 2 Samuel 20:16-22).

Abigails’ declaration (1 Samuel 25:30) of David’s ordained kingship is an important aspect of the story.

In the end of the chapter we see how David learned to trust God to repay his enemies rather than taking vengeance himself.

The Hebrew words for "good" and "evil" each occur seven times in Chapter 25 while comparing Nabal against Abigail, David, David’s men and God.
"Together they underscore one of the major themes of the story: Good brings its own reward, while evil recoils on the head of the wicked."

This chapter splits as follows:
1. Death of Samuel. (1)
2. David's request and Nabal's churlish refusal. (2-11)
3. David's intention to destroy Nabal. (12-17)
4. Abigail takes a present to David. (18-31)
5. David is pacified. Nabal dies. (32-39)
6. David marries Abigail (39-44)
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