The End of All Doubts | Non-Duality Contemplation and Awakening

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Sudden awakening and 15 years later. What is it like to be me? After awakening there are no more doubts, instead there is complete honesty, I simply cannot lie!
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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #meditation #truth #advaita #mindfullness #spirituality #vedanta #happiness #peace #happiness
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"doing things with out any drama" that sounds heavenly :)


You are the clearest communicator I have encountered yet. Thank you.


Where the rubber meets the road. Thanks as always.


Your talks really resonate with me. Such clarity in the way you put things. Keep going just the way you are.


01:35 ...the final DESTINATION is the saying ...but station is correct really as well..
Thank you, Hans!
Appreciating your efforts.


You are the funniest spiritual teacher I know and the most provoking. You talk about llies, I would say storytelling, narratives that can be beautyful and seductif, stupid and irritating, creatif also. Often poison, sometimes art. I don’t bother about doubt but about being conscious.
Anyway thanks again Hans ❤


Im totally agree with you man on this point. Im a gradualler and come to a point when there is no turning back. The process is on and im found peace and happiness more than i ever felt in life and im so thankfull. But yet something is still not done inside of me. It feel like a process thats on and not complet yet, its more work to be done. Ps remember a other video you done you spoke about youre intention to bore our minds out. Well done im totally out bored 😂 thank you man youre real deal❤


So many good points on this video…love it❣️


In social situations, I too seek a deeper layer through silence. "Some kind of shift".


After Awakening to work begins to me something spiritual and worthwhile beyond the everyday doing of things. Life no longer need be task to a task but rather a cooperative marriage with opportunity to


Thank You for sharing : it helps to practice ; I also think survival mode and leftover trauma is where we get stuck in the conditioning and takes time to dissolve into clear seeing .


You are. Har också sett första gången 1997 sen hos Mooji 2003 men ett jobb har vart tvunget att göras. Du hjälper mig att förstå vad jag gått igenom🥰


The other day it was experienced that the person I thought I was wasn't real. It's like I saw this character flitting about and I was above it all. I actually started to giggle at the silliness of the character. Then I got swept back into the mind and it seemed the realization was gone. Yikes!! Help!


You didnt mention what is doubted, but I assume you mean doubt about the self-less nature of reality. I do doubt that there is a place beyond doubt, because I have only ever known doubt, and I strongly doubt my abiliity to arrive at a place beyond doubt, where there is no one left who could doubt. You seem like a person who was highly successful and psychologically well-adjusted in life prior to awakening. Do you agree with the statement, 'If you cant succeed in life, you wont succeed on the spiritual journey.'?


Interesting video....Are you married? Do you you have a children's? What is your occupation? ...Be awaked without social contacts is easy - no challenges....


I feel insane amounts of doubt in myself and the future. I try avoid lying however I fear sharing the truth of how I'm feeling since there is a lot of shame about my situation. I want appreciation from people I don't feel ok with my own attention/appreciation. I don't trust my own appreciation. I have a hard time finding things that I can do for the sake of doing it except playing sports/board games/laughing. I feel a deep dissatisfaction with how my life has gone. Can you give me some advice?
