etrailer | Step-By-Step Installation Tutorial for the Malone AirFlow2 Roof Rack on a 2021 GMC Acadia

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And whatever the lowest rating, that's what your maximum will be. Our platforms are also going to have metal lock cores, as well as your included tool for fastening, and it allows you to remove and install pretty quickly once you get your initial measurements set up. The grip around your crossbars is rubber-padded, so that's, A, gonna help hold up against any pressure that you're gonna have from your clamp, but it helps protect the finish on your crossbar as well. The AirFlow is aero-style crossbar. And what that means, it has a shape similar to a airplane's wing that's gonna give you a lot less wind noise as you're moving down the road.

Your top channel is a T track slot with a permanent rubber filler, and that also helps minimize wind noise. Underneath, you have a full-length T track slot that comes with rubber insulation. On your permanent install, you're gonna measure it out and cut it to fit your vehicle. Since this is just a demonstration, we skip that step, but you just stuff it in and trim it to fit around your feet. Your overall height from the top of your roof to the top of your crossbar is right at 4 1/2 inches.

So you're gonna have plenty of room to get those bigger clamps for like roof boxes or some kayak carrier systems to fit underneath, and it shouldn't affect your panoramic roof at all with this particular model. Your spread is pretty much not set because you're using the raised rails so you can make adjustments in and out, depending on the accessory that you're using. Your installation is super easy. Just take a couple quick measurements, and you're able to get it installed pretty rapidly. And I'm gonna show you how to get it done.

I went ahead and installed the rear crossbar, so I'd already taken the measurement for the spread from my clamps. And you can make that adjustment here as far as where your distance will be. And I'm just gonna go on center and then just make sure it's even on both sides of my bars. (tape measure scratching) From here, you're gonna. If locked, you're going to wanna remove the end caps to access the bolt here 'cause that's what's gonna clamp down on your foot assembly for your raised rail. On one side, it's just a lock and the other side is a lock and included Allen tool. And it just throws away right on the inside of the foot. So now that we have our measurements and our caps off of the end of the feet, we're gonna install it on top of the vehicle. So now, we're gonna get our crossbar and extend it over to the driver's side and just rest it on our bar. Having everything still loose, we're gonna be able to make those fine adjustments, and we're gonna just back off this bolt and allow the clamp to wrap around our crossbar. As far as alignment, there are mounting points for the factory crossbars that I'm using, and I'm just centering our feet in between that. The included tool is pretty nice, but I found that the lock core kind of gets in your way of getting a good rotation. So just using your regular Allen key may be handy, but if you're just on the fly, you're never left without a tool. So I'm gonna go to the other side and make those same adjustments, and then get our feet in our final position. Now, we're gonna get everything tightened down, as far as our bolt on our feet for both the passenger and driver's side 'cause now we have our measurements and everything is looking even. All right, and now that we have this firmly installed, we're gonna. (car part clicks) secure it with our lock core and tool. So nice and sturdy. And your
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