Trump Whines To Crowd That He Wasn’t Offered Any Plea Deals

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During a recent rally, Donald Trump whined about the fact that he never received any plea deals for his multiple criminal charges. This is the same man who continues to say that he never did anything wrong, ever, but for some reason he still wanted to be offered some kind of deal. Believe it or not, this is a big admission from Trump that could absolutely be used against him in court, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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At a recent rally, Donald Trump openly whined to the people in attendance that he, for some reason beyond his grasp, hasn't been offered any plea deals, right? The man who by the way, totally swears that he did nothing wrong, and in fact, even after mentioning he hadn't been offered any plea deals, he still maintains that he's done nothing wrong, but he still, at least, you know, would've liked to have been offered a plea deal. And the reason he got on that track was, of course, because he was trying to trash Kamala Harris' record as a prosecutor in California, and he said, quote, she oversaw a fire sale of plea deals. The only one they don't make a plea deal with is Trump once again referring to himself in the third person, as he, uh, frequently does in a very weird way. But everybody got a plea deal except for Trump, which is me. No plea deal for me.

But you've done nothing wrong. So you say, so why would a completely innocent man need a plea deal? Because in almost every instance, a plea deal requires at least some level of admission of guilt, right? You're, you're not just saying, Hey, no contest, I'm gonna do that, but no, no, no, no. Why are you whining about not receiving any plea deals? I'm sure Jack Smith is probably hearing that right now, saying, really? You wanna complain about not receiving a plea deal when you know that to accept one is kind of an admission of guilt? I think I may have to play that clip for a jury. I may need to submit that into evidence as something to just bring up when I'm cross-examining you. That was a very stupid thing for Donald Trump to say. I mean, most of what Donald Trump has to say is very stupid on its face anyway.

But this, Jesus, this is a whole new level of stupid here. I mean, yes, he has repeatedly kind of torpedoed his own legal defense, but whining about not getting any plea deals. That's a whole new level, just random crap. Never thought I'd hear him say. And yes, even though it's not under oath, it can absolutely be used against him in court, at the very least, as a line of questioning, where Smith or another prosecutor can say, wait a minute. You maintain, you've done nothing wrong. Then why were you complaining in this rally in September that you hadn't been offered a plea deal? What did you mean by that? Put him on the spot and make him look like a fool in front of the jury. Easy as that. But that's not the only very weird thing he said during that rally. He also at one point said, uh, when he was talking about immigrants and how much he doesn't like them, he said, we don't want this for our country. That's why I'm doing this. I don't like doing this,

Talking about running for president. Like, I don't like doing this, but I gotta do it. What such a lot like this man just lies so naturally, like he's breathing, like, I don't wanna do this. Yes, you do. This has been the greatest thing that's ever happened to you. Not, you know, business wise. Your businesses are going down the train, but just in terms of getting your name in the headlines, getting yourself on tv, you love this. You love every second of it. That's why you've literally been running for president officially for almost two straight years now. And let's be honest, even the two years before that, when you were out of office, you were still running, you were literally still holding rallies. You love doing it because it makes you feel important. It's the only way you really derive any self-worth at this point. So don't lie to people that you don't wanna be doing this. And also watch what you say at your rallies because it can and will be used against you in court.
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If America is not done with Trump and MAGA by now, America is doomed.
VOTE BLUE 2024 🇺🇸


Obama was right .. dude has been crying every since coming down the escalator 🤨


First rule of leadership:
Everything is your fault.


He’s clearly guilty! End of discussion. It’s appalling how he hasn’t been sent to the slammer yet!


Doesn’t a plea deal mean they’re guilty?


Offer him a plea deal. Twenty years instead of life sentence..


I'd offer him a plea deal: 10 years in prison or only 3654 days if you plead guilty.


So he wants to admit he's guilty? Cool.


He has to run to try to stay out of jail.


A boss has responsibilities when he directs others. He gave the order, set the environment, and responsible for the decisions made. He is accountable for that. Corrupt. Corrupted others. Go to jail.


Let me get this straight: Trump is "perfectly innocent of all charges" but he wants to be offered a plea deal. Sounds like a confession to me.


Wah-wah-wah. I am a victim.. No, you are a criminal. Your conflict is in your mind. What you want and what you know is true. So, 75 years later he is a master liar. And a master whiner too.


Nobody ever accused Donnie Tiny Hands of being intelligent.


"I did nothing wrong", huh? Yea, right.


I'm so sick of Donald Trump whining about a bunch of nothing


"Don't wanna do this but gotta do it"...this evokes PITY in his crowd..pity for his suffering, his "passion", his god complex on full display.


Don't discount the fact that he is running simply to stay out of jail.


NO ONE is guaranteed a plea deal. Don't want to do the time, don't commit crimes.


Now why would someone who claims to be innocent and done nothing wrong need a plea deal? 🤔


They don't offer plea deals to people they are targeting by offering plea deals to everyone else. Sorry, Donnie, but YOU are Patient Zero. Time to pay up in more ways than one. Even Ebeniezer Scrooge knew the game was over when the big spooky guy with the scythe showed up.
