Muchas gracias. Me ayudó mucho el dato de dónde venía el USB. alfonsogarcia
Muchas gracias. Me ayudó mucho el dato de dónde venía el USB.
Can this remote be paired to any 2.4Ghz receiver ? i lost my receiver ? smoothloser
Can this remote be paired to any 2.4Ghz receiver ? i lost my receiver ?
does it work like a mouse for shooting games in mame? javiermartin
does it work like a mouse for shooting games in mame?
I can't pair the remote. I press ok button and return and nothing happen GilZu
I can't pair the remote. I press ok button and return and nothing happen
It doesn't show cursor in my tv so how did you pair that remote ketankharadi
It doesn't show cursor in my tv so how did you pair that remote