Growing mushrooms at home is super easy with a bucket - Anyone can do it

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Mushroom embryos, Mushroom seeds, Meal fungus :
- You can buy it online, on e-commerce platforms, Amazon...
- Or buy at mushroom farms near you

- Keep mushrooms in a shady place: no sun, no wind
- Keep mushrooms moist by misting 1-2 times a day
- The type of mushroom in the video : Abalone mushroom


Mushrooms did wonders in my life honestly. I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with cptsd, spent my whole life fighting cptsd. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


Alcohol and cigarettes addiction actually destroyed my life. I could remember several years ago after divorce with my wife which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


Psychedelic is the answer to most severe anxiety and depression...The use of magic mushrooms completely helps one get over depression and makes you feel like yourself...I used antidepressants for some years but it only made me feel like a zombie but with immediate use of mushroom 🍄 in few months I feel like I'm living a whole new Life.


Я выращивала грибы-вешенки в большом полиэтиленовом пакете. Но сначала надо купить мицелий грибов в садовом магазине. Вместо соломы очень хорошо подходят опилки от дерева. Берёшь опилки, складываешь их в большой тазик или детскую ванночку. Заливаешь кипятком из ведра металлического. Даёшь опилкам пропитаться горячей водой. Пакет предварительно в нескольких местах надрезаешь крестиком. Затем набиваешь опилки в пакет, пересыпаешь послойно мицелием, затем снова опилки и посыпаешь мицелием. Пакет сверху завязывешь и ставишь на стул или табуретку в обычной комнате. Через 2 недели из прорезей в пакете начнут вылезать грибы.Бывает 2-3 волны грибов. Затем надо ставить новый пакет, а этот использованный можно отвезти в сад-на дачу и рассыпать под кусты или деревья.


أول مرة أكتشف أنه للفطر بذور 😮 ما شاء الله تبارك الله في خلقه و نعمه الكثيرة في الطبيعة ❤


Psilocybin mushrooms saved my life honestly. They helped me see the pure beauty in life, and made me realize how dumb it would be to take myself out.


I have worked in a mushroom factory and learned alot how to grow them. This video will help for my residential growing.


I would like to see a video on when and how to harvest spores/seeds so as to be able to continue growing


0:05 I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms


I am not spiritual at all, but after taking shrooms a few months ago I am much happier and am highly motivated, lost a ton of anxiousness and had a few epiphanies about how I should live my life. I decided to buy an ounce for backup, but haven’t yet felt the need to take any more since then.




I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms


Xin cảm ơn đã chia sẻ với khán giả cách trồng nấm tại nhà hiệu quả


I'm sure all Mexican grandmas watching this video would be drooling, 🤤🤤 they prepare delicious stocks and other dishes with mushrooms


Yum! .. This will suit my lifestyle ..As I eat mushrooms regularly and it soon diminishes my budget
So this has got to be worth the initial outlay on straw, buckets and mycelium spores in the long term.


Ok. Here are my questions.
1. Why do you make holes in some lids but not others?
2. Why do you tape the lids on?
3. Why do you spray water mist on the outside of the buckets, getting no water at all to the mycelium, before mushrooms start forming in the holes?
4. Since no description is indicated, what is the best location to place the buckets for optimal success regarding sun exposure, shade, wind, dryness, and dampness, not to mention temperature?
5. Do the mushrooms have any flavor at all considering they're being grown in straw instead of nutrient rich soil which certainly affects flavor?


That was so lovely to watch. Simple yet precise step by step. Your mushrooms look delicious 😋


Amei, vou fazer uma pergunta quantas vezes se reproduz os cogumelos ?


Hola, primero que todo gracias por el video muy bueno, tambien me gustaria saber donde se puede encontrar las semillas de hongos y si despues de la primera cosecha vuelven a salir mas hongos o hay que hacer un balde nuevo con nuevas semillas ?
Saludos desde chile
