Bridgetown 1.0 with Jared White

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Welcome to Remote Ruby and thanks for joining us! Are you still listening? After last week’s episode, Jason doesn’t know if they lost every listener or we all just had a good time together, and he’s not sure there was even an in-between! Jason said it was so intense that at one point he didn’t know if he should just stop Andrew, but instead he had a real Frozen moment and just “Let it Go!” On today’s episode, Chris is back, and we have a return guest that brings so much fun energy to our lives and that is Jared White, Writer, Designer, Ruby Developer, and builder of Bridgetown. Today, we’ll be discussing all things Bridgetown v1 that’s coming out and it sounds quite fascinating. Jared tells us more about how he used Roda, which is a Ruby based web framework, and then he shares his journey of what it’s been like for Bridgetown now and what he sees happening in the future for Bridgetown. Go ahead and download this episode now to find out more!

Remote Ruby
Episode 169
March 4, 2022

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