The Chosen’s Ecumenical Push for a One World Religion | Coming Back to the Mother Church? | Hot Seat

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What are the dangers of The Chosen's ecumenical movement, and why can we not unite by setting aside the truths from God's Word. @TheChosenSeries

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_"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." [Matthew 5:16]_
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That was Tony Palmer speaking at Kenneth Copeland's Believers' Convention a few years ago. Tony Palmer was instrumental in bringing the evangelical "protestants" back under Rome. They confessed before the pope, "the protest is over." A few weeks after this, Tony Palmer was killed in a motorcycle accident.


Lord, I pray that you would give me the strength to be the best mother I can be for my children. I know that being a single parent is not always easy, but with your help, I am confident that I can do it. I also ask for your help in providing for my sons emotionally, and physically so that they may always know that they are loved. Lord I struggle every month to provide for my sons. Give me strength. Thank you Heavenly father for your grace and loving tender care, and for always being there for me and my children.❤️


You, young people, are doing great heavenly works. May Yahuah bless you and your ministry.


I’ve worked in film production since 2004, I belong to the PGA & DGA. Just because you are credited as a producer doesn’t mean you have creative rights. From my understanding, Dallas and his wife are the writers and the main creators of the show, with creative rights, and they have an evangelical scholar and Hebrew scholars that they consult with.

Jenkins has stated from the onset of his show, it’s a TV show— and unfortunately most people don’t understand what a show, created for TV is. His show is created for ENTERTAINMENT. If someone is interested in learning more about the New Testament and Jesus, they’re directed to The Chosen Bible Studies which are pretty good. But the show itself is for entertainment.

My issue with most of the Christians who do not watch The Chosen and those who criticize the show is, they refuse to watch the Chosen but they’ll watch other Christian or faith based films, and even secular films, and sporting events. That’s what I find disturbing. For someone who has worked in film 20 years, I do not even own a TV, and every media device in my home is restricted. It’s restricted because most people have no idea what they’re watching when they’re viewing a motion picture— or anything — including sporting events— it is designed to illicit an emotional response. Everything from the lighting, set design, colors used, the color gels that are used over lighting, and the music, all of this is to illicit an emotional response— in other words, it’s mind control. I don’t watch TV PERIOD. But it seems to me, most Christians gag at a gnat and swallow a camel. Wont watch this but they will watch that. Makes no sense. Be careful of Tv and I’d even suggest to not watch anything or at least limit what is watched and how often they watch it— don’t believe me? Then ask yourself why even celebrities don’t allow their own children to watch TV, go to concerts, or use social media??? Because those on the inside know what’s going on. Be careful of what you’re watching and listening to.


While I was watching season one I had a dream where I was being shown the guy who plays Jesus in the show and I was being told “This man is NOT Jesus!”. I interpreted that as “be careful not to set him (the actor) up as an idol”. I am thinking it also meant to be careful to base your faith on the show, GET BACK TO THE BIBLE!!!


It gives me hope when I see those who follow the true Jesus and The Word of God. The great falling away spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3 is in full swing. I pray that you continue to expose the lies of the devil and the deceptions that are taking over our world. God bless you all


❗️❤️The Desire of Ages is my favorite book in the Great Controversy series. Once you read that book and become acquainted with the true character and work of Jesus, it is impossible to settle for superficial or false versions of who He is. I watched the first two seasons of The Chosen and the Jesus they present is not the Jesus the Bible or the Desire of Ages present. That's how I was able to discern the truth from the counterfeit: by studying for myself. Instead of wasting hours watching that show like I did I encourage you to read that precious book in parallel with the Bible. You won’t be disappointed!


Luther’s protest goes on unto the second coming of Jesus.


I think you were spot on with this message!! You are not judging at all…!! You are speaking truth and I really appreciate it


I love being educated on things about me that aren't accurate. :)

This is a very compelling and thoughtful video, and these discussions are very healthy. But for the record...I've never talked about ecumenicalism (I actually don't believe I've ever even used that word in a public conversation); I did NOT say that "mormons and evangelicals love the same Jesus" (if you play the whole quote, I was talking about specific friends of mine); I don't believe being part of any religion gets you saved, and there are zero Mormons or Catholics involved in the scripts. I'm a conservative Protestant evangelical who believes in salvation by faith in Christ alone by grace alone, I'm not "religious, " and contrary to the video title, The Chosen pushes for nothing other than a deeper knowledge and love of Christ and viewership of our TV show.

My wife and I have also written a dozen Bible studies and devotional books connected to the show, and you'll find nothing but conservative evangelical doctrine.

Other than the stuff that is said about me, I don't disagree with anything in this video, so perhaps we should try to avoid hyperbole and ensure we're speaking 100% truth about each other and the topics we all care so much about. :)


I like this setup and video format better than your regular podcast :)
Keep up the good work! God is great :)


John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.


This is what i consider the will of God when i read scripture:

Deu 5:29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!


We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone . Those who love him keep his commandments


Jesus did not tell us to keep the 10 commandments only, but instead commanded us to obey and teach even the least of the Laws and the prophets!


Roman Catholicism is not even Christian The Bible is the highest authority not the church


When the chosen first came out i watched a preview of it and i quickly pulled away from it. I just felt that it was something i didn't need to get into. I did have friends and family telling me to watch it but i didn't feel the need too. Now after watching your documentaries I i am so glad I didn't. Thank you for all your hard work and before this started I already had given it a thumbs up 😊


The protest is ongoing... til King Jesus comes back.
I can't agree with the devil (the pope), NEVER!!!


I'm so happy that I'm not the only one to see this in the chosen. Also happy to see the final events taking place, soon we are gonna be reunited in heaven with our wonderful Savior Jesus❤


I am a Protestant Christian. Born again by the grace of God. And yes, Dallas is definitely confused regarding everyone worshipping the same Jesus. And that Bishop is ridiculous and so is Kenneth Copeland. But regarding the show. I'm not seeing what's the big deal. It's a show about Christ. I can see the parts that align with scripture and also the things they just add because it's a show. I know the difference. And those who don't... I would think it would actually encourage them to read the scriptures for themselves. Is it wrong that I actually enjoy the show? Is it better to watch something completely unbiblical like a Marvel movie, or Star Wars?
