How to get better results with Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream / Etching with Cricut explore

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In this video I will teach you how to get better results using Armour Etch glass etching cream, and not the normal splotchy results that you might be used to getting.

Sorry for the video quality I have never done a video before.
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Some people have been having a hard time finding the etching cream so I have added a link in the description to it on Amazon.


My art teacher taught us to leave it on for 15-20 minutes and reapplying to any areas that get thin as you wait. Its always come out really well for me. I now teach art and use this method with my students and its alawys worked.


THANK YOU! Guess this is a really old video, but I just found it yesterday after frustration from 3 failed attempts. Glass etching is my third Cricut project. Maybe too much for a beginner, but there is so much help on YouTube. I’m doing a rather large stencil on a baking dish. First found out you can’t use borosilicate glass. Got a lot of cloudy / foggy results with correct glass. Tried today with your method and it came out beautiful!!


For even better results, clean the glass with alcohol before doing anything, then use rubber gloves to press the stencil on. The oil from your fingers creates a resist and doesn’t allow the cream to etch as well.


After many unsatisfied attempts I came across this video. Thank you so much! I had MUCH better results when I did it this way. I used Oracal 631 for my stencil and my Silhouette to cut the designs. Perfect! THANK YOU!


I'm getting ready to etch some glasses for a wedding gift. This was SUPER helpful. Like you said, following the directions of the manufacturer always left me with splotches. Excited to try your method. Thanks for posting!!!


If anyone has difficulty getting the vinyl to stay down (maybe you have bubbles in the design), you can use some sort of heat, such as a hair dryer or heat gun to heat it up. That will make the vinyl shrink where it's not sticking, and will effectively get rid of bubbles.


Great tips, thanks!  Let me reciprocate:  If you do another video like this, when you come to the point where you want to show the final result, you could stuff a black or other dark cloth into the shot glass (or behind a plate, etc.) and the design will show up better. If it's a glass or bottle, an alternative would be to fill it with dark beer or a dark red wine, make the shot, and then immediately drink the liquid. Waste not, want not! :D


I would suggest to everyone to be safe when working with etching creams and wear gloves. Etching cream is acidic and could hurt. I wear gloves and safety glasses just in case, that way I don't run the risk of my brush flicking anything up at my eyes. Better to be safe than sorry


I usually let it sit for an hour after you put a good solid layer on and that works fine


I etched my first glass last night.Brand new bottle of etching cream had my husband shake it for 2 minutes solid..I wiped the glass with alcohol...Used a stencil I made on my Cricut maker...I cover the entire stencil with the cream with a regular pant brush then for 5minutes I went in all I started going one way..then switched to another then another and kept going until the 5min was up..then I let it sit for 10minutes....I then ran in under cold water and rubbed it off with the pant brush...removed the stencil and wiped again with alcohol...Came out AMAZING!! I put globs to cover the whole image to start with and did not have to redip...


I've never done glass etching before and was a little nervous to try it. Found your video and watched it before my first attempt. I just tried it out on an old candle jar lid set for recycling with a stencil I cut (I don't have a machine so I used a good old exacto knife, which worked great!). My results were great! Can't wait to try it out on a dog treat jar!!


A tip from another YouTuber was to secure the vinyl even better by hitting it with a heat tool/embosser prior to etching. I've now had good results with that, as well as shaking and shaking the cream some more, then leaving it on for 5 minutes. :)


Very nice video. I liked your pace; It was nice and slow and you spoke in a very calm voice (good for beginners, lol). Thank you.


First time video, nice job. Instead of pointing your camera head on. Try angling to one side about 45*, then your hands won't be in the way of your work. To better display the etching, hold the glass up with a solid color background. The etching showed much better with the white of the bottle rather than the darker drop cloth. All in all a solid job, not too chatty. Very clear instructions and you kept it on task.

I etch a lot of metal, copper, brass etc. I found, like you, brushing over the etching surface always provides better results. With metals the material removed by the etch creates a barrier between the etch and the metal causing uneven etching. This could also be the case with glass and your method worked very well.

Some economy tips. I use a Silhouette cutter, similar to your Cricut. I found that white or any color, Contact brand repositionable, drawer liner paper makes great stencil vinyl. It holds very fine detail, is easy to weed out and stands up to the acids and brushing in my metal work. This will hold detail as fine as a heavy pencil line. Glad Press and Seal works well as a transfer tape. After weeding my stencil I apply the Press and Seal then go over it in all directions with an old credit card to smooth using a very firm pressure. Carefully pull off the backing from your stencil and apply to the surface your working on. Smooth again with the credit card and peel off Press and Seal.

Make more videos.


this was great i been wanting to try a etch project for a while now i'm confident enough now to try with your techniques thank you


Thanks! Used your tips on my first project and it turned out beautiful.


I've been wanting to try this. Good job explaining what to do. Makes me wish I had a Cricut!


That is awesome that you used your cricut to make your stencil/. First is safety. Gloves, this is an acid. Keep making tutorials but remember people will do what you do, Also to save material, you can use one coat, and brush different directions for approx 3 minutes then rinse, You will get the same results.


Wow!! I finally made my first successful etched project after many, many failed attempts. Thank you!
