Солнечный орёл в Татарстане — «Я учусь охотиться!» 02 07 2021

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Гнездо Солнечного Орла/Могильника/Aquila heliaca/Eastern imperial eagle в Татарстане (GMT+3)
Трансляция с гнезда солнечных орлов Алтына (ALTYN) и Алтынай (ALTYNAY) в Альметьевском районе
Автор проекта: орнитолог Ринур Бекмансуров

Проект ведут сотрудники национального парка "Нижняя Кама"
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Great clip! I watched Altynay lay both eggs. I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, (I'm in California.), watching each egg hatch. I call them The Twins because they have always been difficult to tell them apart. But I can. I watch a lot of eagle nests, but this is the only Eastern Imperial Eagle nest that I watch. The Twins are the most inquisitive eaglets I have watched. Especially Twin One. They watch and learn very quickly and I love watching Altynay watch them. Altyn is hilarious, and Twin One stares at him and it is just so cute. I can obviously go on forever! Thank you for the clips!
