Thrice - Black Honey (Unofficial Lyric Video)

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Artist: Thrice
Song: Black Honey
Album: To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere
Year: 2016

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees ‘cause I ...
I want honey on my table
I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees ‘cause I ...
I want honey on my table

But I never get it right
no I never get it right

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees
I can’t understand why they’re stinging me
But I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

I’ll rip and smash through the hornet’s nest
Don’t they understand I deserve the best
And I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

I tried to stick this pin through a butterfly ‘cause I ...
I like all the pretty colors
But it just fell apart so I flung it in the fire
to burn with all the others

Cause I never get it right
No, I never get it right

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees
I can’t understand why they’re stinging me
But I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

I’ll rip and smash through the hornet’s nest
Don’t they understand I deserve the best
And I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

And this time I’ll get it right
yeah this time I’ll get it right
It’s gonna be this time I’ll get it right
Oh God let it be this time I get it right

So I’m cutting that branch off the cherry tree
I’m singing this will be my victory then I...
I see them coming after me

And they’re following me across the sea
And now they’re stinging my friends and my family and I...
I don’t know why this is happening

But I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees ‘cause I ...
I want honey on my table


Created Using Adobe Premiere.

This video contains material that is copyright of it's respective owners, and and is used under part 107 of the Fair Use Act for non-profit use.
Рекомендации по теме

To me this song is about the vicious cycle of self-gratification of an individual making the same mistake repeatedly and not having the presence/peace of mind to change their course of action, or seek treatment. Ultimately, their sins and infallibility will causally and negatively affect their loved ones - whether it be spouses, siblings, or more commonly, their offspring. Pathological selfishness can be very detrimental to those exposed to it, on so many levels.


It’s about modern day humanity. People will do what they want regardless of repercussions for their actions.


To me this song is about trying ways to make life sweeter so you can have the sweet satisfaction of all the things life has to offer. Yet you can't ever quite get there. Because there is so many obstacles. So you keep trying to get to the sweetness of life but keep getting stung and you may understand in part why your being stung but you also don't fully understand it either. While your trying to keep your struggle as your struggle you don't see how it's impacting those who love you as well. For me this song has great significance. Because for me this was my life with my son. We knew we would be stung going through the bees nest but we had no choice but to go through it. We weren't going to give up until we found that sweet spot but we never did and he passed away. Sometimes we had sweet moments that would quickly be burned back into the fight.


The chorus is so catchy, it's stuck in my head


To me about addiction. Me saying I’ll get it right this time. But now it’s stinging my friends and family. Hurting everyone around me...🤯


For me is literally what the song says:
Doing what you want, in any way, to get what you think you need.
No matter if it's illogical, or the less effective way, no matter how much you hurt yourself.
You do whatever it takes
However the stakes


This song is so deep. I wish I knew his meaning for it. But all in all very well I can find a lot of ways to relate.


I think the meaning is political. Black honey “oil”. At the time this was written we went overseas for oil, smashing up countries to further our oil needs. In the process of doing this, the retaliation was happening and our fearless leaders and media would say I don’t know why this is happening? We are the most powerful country in the world, we deserve respect and we get what we want. Eventually we brought this mess back across the water onto American soil. Not bagging on one side or the other, both parties and presidents on both sides swung their hands through the beehives. “I’ll cut the branch off the cherry tree and this will be my victory”

I could be wrong though and that’s the best thing about music and art. It’s subjective. Great song “this time I’ll get it right” ;)


this track is a complete deconstruction of doing what You think you need to do. Thoughtless actions lead to disastrous consequences.


Was just sent this by my daughter today. Great song!


Or maybe it's about the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result but eventually the consequences catch up to him.


Almost sounds like an old children's rhyme or something. Great song.


The beat at the beginning scared the crap outta me-


I think it's about the entitlement of our culture and imperialism. They do a great job of breaking down the big picture.


I listen to this song at least once everyday


My son asked me. Dad whats kick ass mean. I said put on the headset and put this song on.. He said wow dad if someone in school picks on me what should I do? I said get snots on your knuckles lol...


He said in an interview that basically it was about America going to Iraq for it's oil. He may not have specifically said Iraq, I read it a long time ago.


Self destructive behaviors that everyone else can see except the person doing them. "When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." @rickygervais This not what Dustin meant when he wrote it, but that is what I got out of it this first time hearing it.


this song is how i describe the government thought process


Your JK logo is quite similar to how I sign my initals! : )
