Sonic Origins - Sonic 2 Boss Rush 3:04.43 (Sonic) **World Record**

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This is the current Sonic Boss Rush world record for Sonic 2 on the Nintendo Switch version of Sonic Origins.
I also hold the Boss Rush world record for Sonic 1, which you can find here:

Some Notes:
- I didn't include the deaths in this run, since they don't get added to the run timer.

- It's very difficult to get the Casino Night Boss locked in place. Requirements:
1. You have to time the initial hit correctly, not too early, not too late.
2. You have to approach Robotnik/Eggman from underneath slow enough that he begins the grab animation. If you don't slow the spindash some after launching (by holding left for a bit), Robotnik won't enter the grab animation.
3. You have to slow the spindash just enough so that you end up at the perfect height. Basically, the apex of the spindash needs to be right about at that black line in the Casino Night wall on the right side of the screen. If you're too high or too low, Robotnik won't be stunlocked and you won't get all 8 hits.
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