The Most Versatile Guitar You'll Ever Play

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Not every guitarist has the luxury of bringing multiple guitars to a gig. Today, we're taking a look at a guitar that solves this problem: the PRS 513. With 13 different pickup configurations, the 513 recreates the sounds of the most loved single coil and humbucker guitars in one package.

What was your favorite (or least favorite) playing example in this video? Does the 513 faithfully recreate legendary Strat and Les Paul tones? Tell us in the comments below!

Table of Contents
00:00 The PRS 513
01:52 Our Objective
04:29 What Gear Are We Using?
06:06 Rhythm Humbucker Sound
07:32 "Whole Lotta Love"
09:47 Lead Humbucker Sound
10:47 "Revelation"
12:49 Lead Single Coil Sound
13:44 "Sultans of Swing"
16:02 Rhythm Single Coil Sound
16:59 "Under the Bridge"
19:14 Final Thoughts on the 513
20:48 Thanks for Watching!
21:41 Support Us!







Host/Co-Production: Mason Marangella
Video: Nico Sotomayor
Video Editing: Victor San Pedro
Co-Production/Design: Mason Mejia
Audio Engineering: Hunter Harrison

#electricguitar #prsguitars #rigdoctor
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What was your favorite (or least favorite) playing example in this video? Does the 513 faithfully recreate legendary Strat and Les Paul tones? Tell us in the comments below!


Being a rig doc and a badass session type guitar player is a great combo, man.


So excited! Always wanted to get a good listen to one of these!


I think an HSS Strat covers a lot of territory. I play in a cover band and got a Charvel HSS Sassafras. Bridge humbucker for distortion, Strat positions 2 and 4 sounds, Strat neck for blues, it's all there. Plus, position 3 is one coil of the bridge humbucker and the neck single-coil, which apparently is a bit of a Tele thing. But I don't really use it.


For the Knopfler tones, the PRS lacks the quack and out of phase sound of the Strat. You explained that you had to use the middle pickup to get close which would explain it.


The 513 and the PRS Special were my dream guitars for years because of those 13 pickup combinations. Then PRS upped their game even more this year when they came out with the Modern Eagle V.

That guitar has 17 pickup combinations (technically 34 if you count the toggle switch for 250k to 500k option), but what really pushes the Modern Eagle past the 513 and Special for me is the humbuckers.

The Modern Eagle V has the newer TCI humbuckers from Paul’s guitar, and a new TCI single coil in the middle. The humbuckers are voiced off vintage PAFs when in full humbucker mode and sound amazing as they are insanely clear and articulate. But when split into single coil mode, the neck is voiced off a Strat and the bridge is voiced off a Tele. And then of course you can enable all three pickups at once, or just the two outside ones for even more options.

Just an insane do it all guitar.


Very good video, thanks!! Great sounds from the 513


Another good choice is a strat hss or h h with five way switch..I use both prs and strat with humbucker 5 way When we were doing our guitar legends tour i found the pRS wouldn't cut through the mix as well as the strat..any of the above mentioned guitars would be cool.Videos like this help the guitarist understand the differences between guitar models and can reall y help when it comes time to buy so he or she can get the guitar they need for the job at hand..thanks mason


Nothing beats a Stratocaster, although I do admit that PRS pickups sound very dynamic and responsive, even the humbuckers. Can't beat the vibes of a Strat, it's not just about the sound, it's the feel.


Mason, your playing has gotten a LOT better since you have started doing these videos. I appreciate the, 'Aw shucks, ' vibe, but seriously you're doing a good job brother. Keep your head up! 👍


I recently bought a PRS SE Custom, I know it's not nearly high quality as a 513, but love the sound on PRS guitars!


I love my PRS Vela, and chose it because of its versatility and the sweet single coil sounds that aren't the same old snappy zingy fender sound, and more of a Robby Kreiger tone. Added benefits are that it is super light and the neck is incredible.


I tried a prs special 22 the other day and I was impressed. The fender sounds leaned more to the telecaster side but you can do a lot with these guitars in a gigging situation. As I grow older I'm usually less enthusiastic with the idea of bringing a lot guitars to a gig, so yeah these PRS don't sound exactly as gibson or fender but they could be a good tool for a job. PRS definitely has the most convincing split coil sound. We guitar players are a rare breed of people that in some ways are stuck in the past in terms of gear and that could be good but we close ourselves to other things... on the contrary a lot of other instrumentalist are trying other new stuff all the time...


Thanks for doing this. I don’t think a mahogany bodied set neck guitar can quite sound like a Strat . You are a 100% right on the heaviness of the SC sounds . On the humbucker tones, this nails it and the choice between clear and heavy humbucker really adds a new dimension. Personally the 513 is the guitar that got me to the PRS camp after being a exclusive Les Paul player for 13 years, as it was the first guitar that could nail the woman tone and the body of a Les Paul.


I have a 513 and I find it to be a great player and extremely versatile! I love mine!


Thanks for this video.
A few remarks:
- Generally. The pickup design is origin of the Grainger bass guitars. It was kind of an experiment of installing them on an electric guitar. In the end they executed some adjustments and invented the PRS 513 in 2004. The first line had a BRW neck and a 10-top (which wasn't marked on the backside of the headstock).
- 509. This guitar is a different daughter of the same mother than a 513. At first sight they look similar, but they aren't. 509 pickups are voiced different. The humbucker mode offers a more vintage sound. It has a 5 way pickup selector switch, but for treble or bass position change to humbucker mode there are two mini switches, which allows the player - for example - have the treble position as a singlecoil and the bass as a humbucker or vice versa.
- 513. It consists of five singlecoils, which have different windings to provide sounds from singlecoil to a high output humbucker (I deem the treble humbucker is 15.5 kOhm.). The modes of singlecoil, clear humbucking, and heavy humbucking are global settings. The singlecoil in the middle is still and only the same singlecoil in all three modes.
PRS did over the years a few revisions without pinning it to the wall. Up to 2014 in the electric compartment was a PCB (printed circuit board). And there have been a few revisions of the PCB. As far as I know PRS was offering on customers demand for the Private Stock models a point-to-point soldering of the electric parts instead of this "huge" PCB. Paul decided, that this improvement offers the most transparency of tone for this model. Therefore it was introduced to the Core line as of production line 2014. I have no clue and didn't make a research on it, if 509 got a PCB or point-to-point soldering.
Anyways. The 513 in this video is a 25th Anniversary model from 2010. My 513 is a 2011 with all the 2012 production line specs (Phase III tuners, PRS Core nut). It has been modified on order of Paul Reed Smith himself as a present (I met him in 2014 at an exhibition of music industry by accident using an escalator far away of the PRS booth. I was saying something like 'Oh, hello Mr. Smith!' He asked me, if I own a PRS. I confirmed and stated it is a 513. He asked me further things likewise, what I do for my living. He asked me to accompany him heading back to the PRS booth. He surprised me with his generosity of presenting me with a modification to point-to-point soldered electrics parts.). Those guitars are in singlecoil mode way more sensitive than with PCB (more antenna effects due to longer and thicker cables being used). But especially on position 2 and 4 of the pickup selector it comes way more closer into Strat territory.
513 have been the only electrics which have been awarded twice and subsequently as the best electric in the world by an international jury. PRS didn't use that for pushing the sales of 513.
513 are underrated, and as least as of end 2016 discontinued. It was succeeded by the 513.

I never regretted buying a 513, and I ain't gonna sell it.


I have a Charvel Guthrie Govan maple top for my jack of all. I was pretty surprised at how versatile I found that guitar to be, but it covers everything from classic rock to soul, and even 80s metal. I play classic rock, soul, and stuff like that and would have never guessed that I'd land on a Charvel but here I am.


Loved the comparison between the three guitars and couldn’t agree more with your evaluation. Love your humility, but honestly, you’re an excellent player and no excuses or disclaimers are necessary. I’m totally impressed with VRTX pedals and love those that I own, which mate very well to my 513!


I feel like my Telecaster is my all around instrument.


love this experiment Mason!
I think the 513 is easily passable for gigging to cover the gambit of tones. if you were recording and really have your heart set on LP or Strat tones tho... you still might need the right guitar for the job.
lol at how humble you are about your playing. I always enjoy listening to you play brother. especially when you rock a strat. I personally prefer single coil tones but you also seem super comfortable and at home with a stratocaster in hand.
the 513 was very impressive, definitely close to the same chime on single coil tones. found it to have a fair bit more bass response compared to the LP on the Zeppelin example. if you're reading this and you're not subscribed to this channel, what the hell are you doing with your life?
haha cheers Mason 🍻
