Meditation Review: Sri Akarshana's Visualise It and It Will Come 11 Minutes

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Join me, Crady, for this winter session from the dock, while I review Master Sri Akarshana's guided meditation, "Visualise and It Will Come | 11 Minute LOA Meditation". The description says that it is "A very powerful 11 minute manifestation meditation taking you on a visualisation journey to manifest your goals and desires.
Before you start this guided meditation, clarify a particular goal or vision you would like to be realised within your life. Do this visualisation meditation every morning and you will enhance the power of the manifestation process."
Personally, I'm working on building a new career, and I'm using every tool in my spiritual toolbox I can to help me build it. My career mantra is "If I build it, they will come"- not so different from "Visualise and It Will Come", so I will do the meditation and let you know if I think it delivers. That way you can know BEFORE you go.
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