I'm Better

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(Season 3, Episode 24) Xbox vs Playstation, LeBron vs Jordan, Skyline vs Gold Star: A lot of times, strong opinions can be silly, no matter how competitive or passionate people get about them.

Original Release Date: 5/29/2023

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I was genuinely happy to see Bob win the coin toss and the wheel spin.


Rivalries are fun until it becomes someones whole personality and they act like you murdered their family if you disagree with them


The Twisted Metal rumor was true, but it's a TV show on Peacock and not a movie, also it's awesome. It's about to come out with a season 2 next year. It was nearly perfect.


Apocalypto is a movie about ancient mayan natives directed by Mel Gibson and its actually a really good movie


48:10 im sure there must be an open source update you can make to still use the glasses


I'm sorry, but Bob is wrong about controllers. They are so uncomfortable. PS controllers are so much better. My thumbs just settle into the playstation position naturally. I get carpel tunnel and tendonitis when in a long term gaming session with an xbox controller.


Absolutely blessed to have an entire catalogue of this podcast to consume as I play video games.


Hottest take. I think the Wii U Pro controller had the best layout with both analog sticks at the top of the controller


PlayStation controller is better for me.


Several members of my family dont know how to pronounce Apocalypse and ive had the exact scenario of discovering this as bob described far too many times


I detest Mac with context. I had to use it for 4 years in college in the Arts center computer lab. I despise them. What clinched it was when I plugged my USB drive into a Mac and it destroyed everything I had saved on there.


Rivalries are fun, but I do agree some people take things a little too far at times.


As someone who’s never been in Cincinnati, I’ve never heard of any of those chili places and I have no opinion on any of that. And now chili hurts me when I eat it, so that sucks.


If it’s a prop cigar then it would count as a prop but usually you can’t add it to expenses unless it’s like, over a threshold methinks


of all the marvel movies he couldve called out, bob chose guardians of the galaxy? ANT MAN WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE


2:35 How to play as Primeval in twisted metal 3 for me


There was PS1 analog controllers, you couldn't play Ape Escape without Analog.


3 hours in trying to scroll past these stack of vids


Agree with Bob on superhero stuff, the market is oversaturated now and I don’t care anymore


Bob is wrong. I'm sorry. The symetrical Playstation controller is far superior to the asymetrical Xbox controller. Having your thumbs in the same place on each side feels far more comfortable!

But with the Android vs Apple debate (which was mentioned, but not gone into here)... I used to work tech support for AT&T, with a specific leaning toward iOS. I also worked sales for US Cellular. When someone asked my opinion whether they should get an Apple or Android, I would ask them what kind of computer they have and what their operating system was. If they had a Mac and were comfortable in that system, I would tell them that iPhone was the way to go for them. If they ran Linux, I was 100% Android for then.

But Windows was the weird one, even though it was most common. Because this was also the days of Windows 8... Which I loathed... But that also means it was the time of the Windows Phone... I almost never recommended that one, because most people hated Windows 8's format. I got a program to bypass it and make it more like Windows 7 at the time. But if they liked the Windows 8 interface, I would suggest the Windows Phone.

However, if they were big into music, and had a ton of MP3's, always Android. If they did everything through iTunes anyway, iPhone. If they just got on the internet to check their email and look at the news, you could go either way, but if you used Google mostly, Android was the best option.

But if you were a tech geek who created your own custom icons, tampered with development tools, etc. iPhone was never the answer. And that's why I, personally, have never owned an iPhone. Personalization is my game. I had an iPhone for work as an iOS specialist... But it was a work device to learn how to use it. It was never a choice for me.
