Prediction of Patient Deterioration - Thomas Heldt

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The direction for the future seems to be understanding and monitoring all processes in the body and intervene automatically as soon as something shifts in the wrong direction. That is basically what a doctor is doing the only difference is that the computer decides in less then a seconds which treatment option is the right one. As a side effect the computer improves with every treatment by analysing the data immediately and saving the results. In certain tasks he will soon be better than the human doctor. But the best thing of all in my opinion is that this kind of knowledge can be send to every hospital around the world to improve healthcare for people around the world at almost no cost. Thanks for the great video.


I agree with you and I base my practice totally on predicting which one my patience is not doing well and catch problem before it occurs bc I done that i have not had any deaths of my patience during my shifts instead have caught problem early enough to transfer pt off unit to higher level care or treat pt in time to prevent further deterioration and done that successfully as a nurse for 11 years...often times doctors will not believe me and I have to take proactive approach when the resist. Example had pt who when reviewed her history noted electrolytes particilar magnesium often depleted..I requested repeat labs PA refused...I felt pt who had previous issues with vtach may have an event so i drew labs any way sent them in and sat in fromt of monitor as I wrote my notes and kept looking for repeat lab to be post ...when lab came back at same time looked at monitor saw begining of torsades i ran room saw patient pass out was able call code & shock pt within secs she came back & did well. PA who had answered nasty way about my concerns for patient never said thank you. my reward was being able to tell family I kept family safe.
I have many stories of doctors or PA being annoyed by my concerns but my predictions often are on target. Its ashame i do not work in an enviornment that fosters this type of predictive medicine I yearn for it. Instead work in enviornment that does not reward or enhance critical thinking making some of the work frustrating. Despite that I continue to be vigilante, looking for causes before hand instead of after an event. My number one predictive tool is talking to patients and paying attention to sudden subtle changes in behavior or speach, personality traits, behavior & look for change in that. For Example pt taking to much time to process a question is of my first clue something may be brewing. I always activate Qtc monitoring for pt who are on Qtc prolonging meds, I place people on oxygen despite sat if having frequent ectopies, I am especially vigilant with people slow heart rates and low blood pressure. I do many things to monitor pts but always with objective of predicting outcome in order to prevent an event. Like a detective I constantly looking for clues.
Sorry long post with gramatical errors but writing fast before heading to work. Would have been cool to work with someone like you because I predict I could grow even more as a nurse lol....thanks for this post makes me feel less isolated in my philosophy of patient. Prevention is always better then remedy....:)


how many of you clicked the thumbnail because you thought it was deepak chopra
