[Mod] The FINAL guide for TREASURE HUNT - Libra Mod - Yu-Gi-Oh! CMC

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One year ago, I've made a short guide on the Treasure Hunt feature, exclusive for Libra Mod, here in the channel. This feature gives you a chance of finding rare monsters in most duels of the mod.

Some information on it was vague, so you could discover things yourselves, but, after one year, I think it's time to make an updated guide!

This video will explain with more details how the Treasure Hunt works, giving even the probability of finding rare monsters!

SPOILER ALERT: The second part of the video will show which monsters are obtainable, where they are and their probabilities. If you haven't finished the New Game campaign and/or want to do the hunt yourself, stop the video before Part II. We'll warn you before that part comes, so you can stop without being spoiled.

This data is valid for Libra Mod v0.8.2, for the New Game campaign.

For the New Game + mode, that will come in a future update, the methods of obtaining good/rare monsters may use Treasure Hunt or be entirely different!

Other useful links:

Ko-fi supporters (until January 27th, 2023, date of upload) -- THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤:
- Anonymous Supporter
- FelsKrone75806
- Caio As
- @bornelusca
- Vinicius Betinardi
- Gabriel Martins
- Nick
- Raul Santiago
- xErue
- Caio
- Makelele
- aerodriguez12
- NerfGanon
- SurvivalH
- Cloxwork

This video has used icons (trophy, dice and sign) from Freepik and Flaticon.
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looking forward to mode updates and your fun ideas


Lmao, I'm new to the mod, started today. Had to restart because I accidentally loaded the mod wrong, and when I did I decided to look at this video for fun. Finished the first half, stopped to avoid spoilers, went into my game and Joey had Hinotama Soul. Glad to be able to revisit a childhood game, even though I'm not that old, keep up the good work!

Edit: by "loaded the mod wrong" I mean that I did a duel without the mod, and didn't feel like continuing, restarting by choice


I have found only Moon Envoy on my first try before seeing this video. Thanks for the guide!


Is there any chance that in a future update, the remainder of the unused monsters will be included. For example, just being included in the shop or obtainable in other ways? I’ve been wanting to play with them, but I don’t know how to access them in the vanilla game…


its a shame the unused monsters dont have battle animations or capsule models


Hey, I think the most recent update might have a bug. When I surrender and return to menu, the game gets stuck on the out loading screen. Is it possible to add a load bar by chance?

Second, when someone surrenders and tries again, do the treasure hunt random draw happen again? I’ve battled a few people and surrendered multiple times but not seeing the secret monster.


Hi Oak, do you plan on adding more unused monsters in the future? I saw in a different video that there are 77 unused monsters.


Huge fan of your work on this mod. It's refreshing to play a version of this game where mistakes are actually punished and I've ended up losing matches because of it. Really looking forward to the new game +. Thanks for what you do


Show, cara! Sempre achei esse game curto, mas você está encontrando formas de alongá-lo e melhorá-lo. Muito bom.


I'm making sure I get 8 every draw but not getting the rare monster against Mokuba!! Why is that


I just found your game, finished a run wothout getting a single secret mon. Sad, one question tho, do you have new fusions? cause on your trailer i saw Chaos B Knoght but i cant find a way to get it T.T


Does the mod only work for ntsc or also for pal at that point?


Is this up to date and still relevant to the mod today?


if i dont get the monster when i start the match should i surrender and go back to stage select or try again? the video said it will preserve the rare monster as long as i dont lose or go back to stage select but if i dont get it will i need to back to stage select to get a fresh roll?


I really enjoyed Yumi's addition, but don't be afraid to do some voice-overs too, my man. Kudos for the mod by the way.


Consegui relatar mts deles no grupo do discord o/
