I have been too self sufficient, cut me Lord The Lord God humbled Moses, Joseph, Job, Even His own Son... The Lord God chastens those He loves
Glory I’m shouting my apartment down in Jesus name. As a child who was molested, child abused, raped, teased, bullied, and all. God kept a hedge of protection around me. He helped me to rid the victim mentality I had, I’m a victor in the Holy Ghost because of Jesus Christ! Take that devil Shattah
when ever I get some money ima make a trip to Houston to go see him love his preaching
As a pastor you don't get preaches to often. I thank God for the Lilly Grove media ministry and Pastor Anderson. You are continuously blessing my soul. Keep 'em
thanking the Lord right now. pastor you did a wonderful job with this sermon.
When the Pastor said Turn with me in your Bible” I knew this was going to be a powerful Holy Spirit filled Sermon. I love hearing Bible pages turn, I grew up in church that did the same! We didn’t have no tablets!
Praise God for this timely message. For the Lord is good!
This is the way.
God bless you.
(Clears throat)
Rev Anderson you always remind me that without of FATHER "GOD" is my why! Amen Thank you
Oooooweeee! I am so glad that my heavenly FATHER has the pruning knife in and over my life, thank YOU FATHER, in CHRIST ~
I don't want to be religious BUT unsaved. I'm doing my best Yahshua. "I don't have to sin if I don't want to." Sounds easy. Would be, if it weren't for OUR wicked heart.