How to Deal With Gifts From Critical Mother-in-law. What Would Lisa Say? - Lisa Ryan LPC

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Don't accept gifts from a "critical" mother in law. Because they are not really gifts. They are manipulation. It's a bribe. The gifts will be used as leverage against you. If you ever dare to complain about the nasty way she treats you, she will remind you of the "gifts" that she gave you, as if she "bought" the right to treat you horribly. Just say no. Say no to the "gifts" and say no to the critical comments. The very first time she ever makes a critical comment to you, stand up (literally, STAND UP) stick your palm in her face and shout "NO" at the top of your lungs. If you think I am exaggerating, then you have never suffered narcissistic abuse from a "mother in law from hell". Because once you have experienced a taste of this particular type of torture. You will never be the same again. You WILL get tough. You WILL get vicious.
