How to make play dough at home. 🏠 Read the description for the full recipe! 🙌 | 🎥: @Deidreforever

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Try this recipe to make your own modeling dough. 👇

1️⃣ In a large bowl, mix together two cups of all-purpose flour, ½ cup salt, two tablespoons cream of tartar, and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

2️⃣ Add food coloring or essential oils to 1½ cups of boiling water. Carefully pour the hot water into the dry ingredients in small increments, stirring between additions, until a sticky dough forms. You may not need to add all of the water.

3️⃣ To help prevent the dough from sticking to surfaces, you can add a few drops of glycerin, but this is optional.

4️⃣ Let the dough cool, then knead it vigorously until it’s smooth and reaches the right consistency.

5️⃣ If it’s still too sticky, add a touch more flour until it’s perfect.

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