Final Fantasy VII Remake's Greatest Risk: The Road EVA

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Who would win in a fight, a cataclysmic event brought on by someone with a God complex or just the most mentally messed up dude ever.

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Great video… concise… great script… well read.


I agree with this take. It always annoys me (especially as a writer myself who likes to rewrite and redo his old stories) when people say "the [remake/sequel/prequel] completely misunderstands the themes of the original story!!!" even when the new work is written by the exact same person who wrote the original. Like, no...these writers haven't somehow "misunderstood" their OWN stories; they've just grown as people and changed their perspectives toward certain things, like we all inevitably do.


Easy sub. Thus was great, mate. And I think you could go a lot deeper and wider on these two. Eva in particular had such a juggernaut size shift not just once, but twice, it's clear others are trying to do their own versions.

The most successful of these takes (to me personally) is probably Yoko Taro's works. Who, going all the way back to OG drakengard, wanted to make his own Eva style and....what he birthed from there, if you include all the supplemental material being the games....the universe he has created is just...Fuck man. It's beautiful, complex, just every emotion and question under the sun. And it all started when he made this weird little game, that went totally fucking insane in the last act much like End of Eva. Now, it stands totally seperate, and, possibly even better, in my eyes.

I see a similar thing with the remake saga (So far) how it's not necessarily raking the layout of the story or the core concepts, it's instead seemingly taking on the whole structure of stuff like the rebuilds. (This has all happened before, etc)

They're probably my 3 favourite ips aswell. The synergy between all of them is next level big brain fuckery. This was a great video to watch while waiting for my coffee (probably why this post is disjointed, no caffeine yet!)

But I would encourage you to keep going. And I'm happy to sub when I find these small channels that I legitimately enjoy. I hope it helps in some small way, and you continue to thrive in your content endeavours. Cause this is an enjoyable watch.


Great first video. I think Remake really understands what made Final Fantasy 7 so special. I have hope for this trilogy.


Oh lets go!!
The script and delivery was 10/10
Such a good first video drop


Thanks for an interesting video! I think that anytime a creator returns to their previous work it should be different, it should reflect new perspectives they've gained or lessons they've learned over time. Not necessarily better or worse, just different.


0:27 Legacy was a natural theme in FFVII because Yoshinori Kitase worked on Final Fantasy Adventure, which had a character named Julius, who was the last survivor of and trying to bring back the Vandole Empire (sound familiar? Sephiroth at first thinks he's the last of the Ancients and the rightful heir to the Planet.).


Solid stuff. Super well delivered and thought provoking. Stoped about 2 minutes early cause now I need to go watch Evengelion


Great work. Hoping to hear your takes on Remake’s story, characterizations, etx


For both Eva and FF7 I prefer the original


Fantastic, makes me look forward to FF7 Rebirth even more. I'm all for different interpretations of themes in a story when it is revisited. I very much hope they can give truly newest to dig into with the concepts


I agree with this so much! After playing FF7R i felt it was going in the same direction as the NGE Rebuilds. It just makes sense


While I do think with every new iteration or spinoff of FF7 Clouds achievments and awesomeness is reduced somewhat. THat is a danger of happening again with the FF7 remake. I understand the comparison but I don't think it fits with Eva, same with with comparison/justification of Hideo/MGS that I have seen people do with Rebuild.

Like the difference between Cloud and Shinji is that Cloud had awesomeness to reduce. Rebuild isn't different from the originals, it is the same Anno with the same hard on for stoic authority figures (and pedo bait romances if i'm honest) holding back and screwing over the same 14 year old boy 'MC' he has always done. If it was a new PoV from Anno there would be something awesome, interesting or cool new possibilities to discuss with Shinji, instead of the same eerily similar justifications/excuses said for the other two endings this director has done.


LMAO the rebuilds were terrible though, especially the last one.


The themes already have changed drastically in FF7 Remake. Loss in particular has been completely gutted from the game in Part 1 and replaced very haphazardly with a generic fighting against fate theme. The execution is just disappointing. Also I would argue the original FF7 is a far more perfect game. Far less filler and better filler when it has it.
