ASMR - Unboxing a Mystery Box

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ASMR - Unboxing a Mystery Box

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My name is Dmitri, i live on the Gold Coast Australia. I remember a tingling sensation i would experience when i was young, as i grew i found i could trigger the experience when i found the right set stimuli like the tone of a person's voice, gentle massage, watching someone focus on a task. This was before video and internet were in the same thought range. Over time i found and experienced many different situations to learn about all the different triggers for ASMR. I translated that experience & combined some innate ability to help people experience it with the high quality studio recordings to bring the highest quality tingles i can.

ASMR is a tingly feeling the commonly felt in the scalp area and often down the back and other parts of the body. ASMS is commonly experienced through a soft spoken or whispering voice, ear to ear sounds or binaural sounds, watching or experience massage, plus a Variety of sounds like tapping crinkle scratching.
Some of the benefits of ASMR might be sleep relaxation reduce stress and anxiety

I specialize in no talking ASMR video's focusing on ASMR sounds, i try to create different video for all the different preferences people have. Some of my role plays are based in fictional characters like Dr Dmitri & Manwelle

I loved watching massage video to experience ASMR so i like to create video to replicate these experiences with other, like head massage, back massage for total body relaxation.

What is ASMR ? A theory

When your cranial nerves receives information in the form of sight, sounds & Senses your brain may process this information as let us say a "trigger" When you cranial nerves find that perfect combination of "Triggers" it activates the full effect of the parasympathetic nervous system almost like a symphony neurons hitting the perfect note as wave after wave of feelings cascades down the nervous system down the spine and to many parts of the body

I believe it may then releases one or more of: oxytocin, acetylcholine, GABA, Serotonin, endorphins directing into the brain and blood stream Instantly relaxing, clearing cortisol, adrenaline and soothes the body.

There is another side effect of this symphony that it puts the brain into a alpha state and after the person falls asleep allows them to access a deeper delta level state during sleep.

This theory idea was put forward to me by a very special person, i believe they have a insight and understanding of ASMR that even i do not have.

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He even breathes in a Australian accent


You're one of the only ASMRtists who captures those super subtle sounds in a way that I don't need to turn my volume up to hear and feel, and the subtle ones are often some of the most tingly, too. Sometimes I'll even get tingles from a sound that I don't think I can really consciously perceive in your videos. I don't think it's from the visuals alone, because those feel different for me than auditory tingles, but so much of this stuff is still mysterious, who really knows. All I need to know is I love your work.


Molecule 01 it’s a perfume made with just one note, one molecule: ISO E Super. ISO E Super is usually used as a fixative in many fragrances and have a very light and artificial wood smell, but as I say is veeery light almost imperceptible.

In fact Molecule 01 it’s a fragrance that a lot of people can’t smell, but the ones that are capable of it, says that it’s one of the most wonderful fragrances ever. This molecule will adapt itself on your skin smelling different on each person.

I’m one of those that can not smell it, but it’s an interesting concept.


The world of asmr need you dimitri! Im loving the comment section.


I don't comment very often but I've been here since March of 2013 and it's been great seeing new videos of yours in my inbox recently. Keep it coming when you can, Dmitri👍


My favorite type of video! Authentically rambling about a random topic. Love it


Glad to have you back! And with a passion, too! Loving the new content


Always so happy to see your uploads, you’re by far my favourite ASMRtist, I appreciate you!


I've missed you. You have the best voice in the world.


Can someone sign this man to an audiobook deal, please!!


I was having a bad day and this saved my day! Forever grateful for you and your work Dmitri. You are the best ❤


I love that SIMPLE, MINDFUL ASMR so much! Just being in the present moment and taking the time to explore something a bit further than usual. It's such a fast-paced world, and this is a PURRRFECT contrast/ counterbalance to it. THANK YOU dear Dimitri - you were one of my very first ASMRtists I discovered on Youtube about 7-8 years ago. I still love to come back to the "Australian guy". Love from Berlin!


Thank you D!.. Your beautiful energy as always radiates through to us and that pure authentic energy is what makes your vids just phenomenal.. I have many of your older vids from several years ago saved, along with several of Karunas, and I can't tell you how much you have helped me through hard times (mental and physical exhaustion from onc-clinics etc).. I appreciate you and your beautiful craft so much.. Thank you x


I just bought this fragrance today, haha. Love Molecules.


Two videos in one night?? It really IS a bones day!


There is something in the speed of the rotations and the timbre of the voice, I have listened to hundreds of ASMR videos and this is the best ive ever heard. Idk why.


I like the scratching on the empty box sound. It’s so relaxing 😌


This is one of my most complimented scents 💪💪 even though i have no idea what it smells like on me


This man could say almost anything and I get tingles…. I wonder if it’s the microphones he uses or just the tone of his voice… maybe both


One of my favorite fragrances and my all time favorite ASMRartists! All I can say is wow!
