Live 12 Beta Test - Creating Semi Generative Ambient With Live 12 Roar, Meld, Echo, Full Process

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Today we are doing another full production session, this time with a more chilled vibe. We begin to explore some of the new MIDI features, and have more of a play with the new devices Roar and Meld.
Sit back, grab a coffee or something, and enjoy!
Some Other Notes;
Old Habits Die Hard - in the video we used the resampling technique to create audio samples to load into Granulator, this shouldn't have been necessary as Granulator III actually has a live capture feature!
Fit To Scale - The annotation mentions usings ‘Fit To Scale’ at 60m 14s, this is actually demonstrated at 67m
Sending Sends To Sends - 67m - Yes, it’s a thing! But be careful with this technique as it can cause a feedback loop
Hope you enjoy and find this video informative and / or useful in some way!
00:00 End Result
01:33 Preparing The Session
03:18 Generating MIDI Notes
08:11 MIDI Note Ornament
09:22 Resampling
09:47 Granulator III
12:05 Using Echo For Ambient Texture
15:02 Arpeggio For Grand Piano
19:48 More Sound Design With Meld
22:33 Resampling, Resonators, Dynamics Modulation
28:43 LFO's For Days
29:55 Adding Notes For Granulator
33:02 More Resampling For Granulator
35:52 Surgical EQ With EQ Eight
37:22 Dub Chord Sound Design With Operator And Echo
42:00 More LFO's For More Days
42:36 Music For Dystopian Airports
45:44 Adding Filter Modulation
46:39 Grouping And Bus Processing With Roar
48:50 Creative Sidechain Compression / Ducking
51:10 Adding Some Bit Reduction For a Lofi Sound
51:34 More Surgical EQ
52:08 Using LFO’s To Modulate Send Levels
52:40 Editing MIDI of Chord For More Variation
55:21 Adding Roar For Tape Saturation
57:50 More Send Modulation
59:01 Music For Dystopian Airports
60:14 Changing The Scale
63:16 Swapping Out Operator For Meld
66:01 Mapping LFO’s To Envelopes
67:01 Using The Fit To Scale MIDI Feature
69:55 Sending Sends To Sends
75:42 Editing The Piano For Less Repetition
76:37 Adjusting The Modulation Within The First Instance Of Roar Bus Processing
78:10 Live Resampling For Later Use
79:00 Outro
Sit back, grab a coffee or something, and enjoy!
Some Other Notes;
Old Habits Die Hard - in the video we used the resampling technique to create audio samples to load into Granulator, this shouldn't have been necessary as Granulator III actually has a live capture feature!
Fit To Scale - The annotation mentions usings ‘Fit To Scale’ at 60m 14s, this is actually demonstrated at 67m
Sending Sends To Sends - 67m - Yes, it’s a thing! But be careful with this technique as it can cause a feedback loop
Hope you enjoy and find this video informative and / or useful in some way!
00:00 End Result
01:33 Preparing The Session
03:18 Generating MIDI Notes
08:11 MIDI Note Ornament
09:22 Resampling
09:47 Granulator III
12:05 Using Echo For Ambient Texture
15:02 Arpeggio For Grand Piano
19:48 More Sound Design With Meld
22:33 Resampling, Resonators, Dynamics Modulation
28:43 LFO's For Days
29:55 Adding Notes For Granulator
33:02 More Resampling For Granulator
35:52 Surgical EQ With EQ Eight
37:22 Dub Chord Sound Design With Operator And Echo
42:00 More LFO's For More Days
42:36 Music For Dystopian Airports
45:44 Adding Filter Modulation
46:39 Grouping And Bus Processing With Roar
48:50 Creative Sidechain Compression / Ducking
51:10 Adding Some Bit Reduction For a Lofi Sound
51:34 More Surgical EQ
52:08 Using LFO’s To Modulate Send Levels
52:40 Editing MIDI of Chord For More Variation
55:21 Adding Roar For Tape Saturation
57:50 More Send Modulation
59:01 Music For Dystopian Airports
60:14 Changing The Scale
63:16 Swapping Out Operator For Meld
66:01 Mapping LFO’s To Envelopes
67:01 Using The Fit To Scale MIDI Feature
69:55 Sending Sends To Sends
75:42 Editing The Piano For Less Repetition
76:37 Adjusting The Modulation Within The First Instance Of Roar Bus Processing
78:10 Live Resampling For Later Use
79:00 Outro