100K Subs Special Q&A | Answering All Of Your Questions!

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00:00 - 00:50 Q&A Intro
00:50 - 00:56 Maid Vel'Koz?
00:56 - 02:08 Why Positive Attitude?
02:08 - 03:05 Family
03:05 - 03:48 Thoughts on Competitive League
03:48 - 04:15 Married Life
04:15 - 04:39 Reworking a Champion
04:39 - 05:41 Advice For Content Creation
05:41 - 07:26 League Lore
07:26 - 08:00 How to Fix Yone?
08:00 - 09:20 Can One Person Make a Change?
09:20 - 10:03 Disappointing Champion
10:03 - 10:40 Do You Miss Playing Other Champs?
10:40 - 11:47 How to Be Consistent?
11:47 - 13:43 Streaming in English
13:43 -14:49 How to Focus on The Right Things
14:49 - 15:04 Thoughts on Skarner Rework
15:04 - 15:56 Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?
15:56 - 16:32 Thoughts on Emerald Elo
16:32 - 16:58 Reworking Vel'Koz
16:58 - 17:07 Losers Queue
17:07 - 18:01 How to Rank Up Fast?
18:01 - 18:14 What Elo Did You Start At?
18:14 - 18:21 What is The Best Skin?
18:21 - 19:03 Favorite Game Mode?
19:03 - 19:44 What If There is No League of Legends?
19:44 - 21:50 Still Enjoying League?
21:50 - 22:22 When Did You Start?
22:22 - 22:53 Are Champions Getting Crazier?
22:53 - 23:29 Thoughts on Dodging Lobbies?
23:29 - 24:04 Favorite Fantasy Series?
24:04 - 24:19 Designing Your Own Champion
24:19 - 27:25 Why Video Games?
27:25 - 28:30 How to Climb as a Tank Player?
28:30 - 29:35 How to Carry in Low Elo?
29:35 - 30:04 How to Learn Macro?
30:04 - 30:30 Favorite Pizza?
30:30 - 30:45 Stats or Effects?
30:45 - 31:25 Content Creation Process
31:25 - 32:20 Thoughts on Riot Games Balancing?
32:20 - 32:40 10 Mini Zeds VS 1 Big Twitch?
32:40 - 33:22 What is Your Principle?
33:22 - 33:48 Swapping Vel'Koz For Another Champion?
33:48 - 34:20 Gym?
34:20 - 34:29 Favorite Combo?
34:29 - 35:11 Favorite Bands?
35:11 - 35:30 Which Champion Would You Delete?
35:30 - 35:40 Education?
35:40 - 35:42 Growing a Beard?
35:42 - 35:47 Becoming Crazy Famous?
35:47 - 36:25 Changing The League Community?
36:25 - 36:27 Playing Dota
36:27 - 36:40 Streaming in Native Language
36:40 - 36:41 Favorite Cheese?
36:41 - 37:24 How Many Digits of Pi?
37:24 - 37:42 Community Challenge
37:42 - 38:15 League of Legends Messiah?
38:15 - 38:38 What if You Weren't a Streamer?
38:38 - 40:00 Horror Games?
40:00 - 42:41 Quitting Vel'Koz?
42:41 - 43:57 Final Thoughts
43:57 - 44:09 Outro

#challenger #leagueoflegends #azzapp
Рекомендации по теме

sorry for your mom, my deepest. condolences. we all do love you though and it's fascinating you are, even though it's probably only the surface, you're being able to move forward. Thank you for everything:) <3


its crazy how much ur channel exploded after 100k


I donated my hair after my sister died from cancer. It felt fulfilling yet heartbreaking at the same time, very cathartic in a sense. I hope you found something in your donation the same way I did


The vel'koz community keeps rising


Hell yeah Azzapp is a runescape OG. That game was my childhood and I still play OSRS from time to time.


You're the best and I can't help but smiling when I watch your video Azzapp, thank you


You're amazing dude. I've been watching you since you were peaking at like 100 viewers and thought it's so unfair as you were my absolute favourite streamer! So happy for you! Lot's of love from Lithuania❤


You deserve all of the best mate ! may your mom's soul resets in peace, she raised a great man and I am pretty sure you'll be a great father ! much love homie keep the good work and the positive energy we need more good men like you! God bless


Congrats bro the channel growth is crazy. I remember when you were the small niche channel for Vel coz players. Show that if you are a genuine and honest person you earn peoples respect. Take my sub bro.
rip hair

"What you egg? "
'He stabs him'



I'm also very competitive and don't get into things very often unless I know I will have the time to get good at them it's nice to see someone else put that into words! Love the content man your vibe is infectious and I don't even play league but love your videos same with baus! I wish you the best dude I really think you will get that golden play button it's really so refreshing to watch someone that you can tell is a good person and I don't say that lightly because I think a lot of people try to fake it but you clearly don't, keep it up man. I know you said you read all the comments so sorry for making this long if you have read this far, but as someone that's played games competitively before your velkoz gameplay truly is a spectacle to watch homie! Have a good day dude !


Absolutely deserved and I hope you keep going on bro. Much love❤❤


congrats on reaching this milestone, and godspeed to your next one, always enjoying your content from shorts and longer videos. funny enough I only played league one week or something, SEA thing and playing 100+ ping turn my excitement down, still playing LoR tho so I do like their world lore. keep your positivity up and thank you for spreading it!!!


Congrats Bro. What a milestone. Hope all is well.


Been watching you since my vel''koz days (when you had about like 30k subs i think) And HOLY did ur channel glow up


We only go up from here. Good luck to you Azzapp.


Man, we almost close to 150k already lol. We need 200k soon!


One of my fav youtuber of all time really


Suffering from success! 😂 Love your videos Azzapp!


Congrats Azzapp, stay positive my guy.


Nah i belive in 1M subs you deserve it.
