STOP CHASING SELF-ESTEEM & JUST BE SELF-COMPASSIONATE with Kristin Neff at Happiness & Its Causes 18

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STOP CHASING SELF-ESTEEM AND JUST BE SELF-COMPASSIONATE | Kristin Neff, pioneering researcher into self-compassion

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her work, along with dr. germer's book, "the mindful path to self-compassion, " were really game changers for me, a doubtaholic, a professional self critic and depressed/suicidal all starts with mindfulness and self-compassion! she's much easier to listen to than her colleague, but his book is a must-read!


I appreciate Kristin pointing out that self esteem is based on thinking we are better than others. Self compassion is based on thinking that we are a part of common humanity. It is an expression of the Christian virtue of humility. This is a beautiful thing.


I did come to this conclusion on my own and the secret was simple so to put down shame, to refuse shame 🎉 then i love myself more, then i start to believe i deserve and then i stop binge eating and go to the gym because I DESERVE IT. That is self compassion and empathy


I love her gentle maternal vibe along with that comforting voice

Those are traits that have surely helped her get this info out there


Another way to reparent yourself! Thanks


A powerful story of coregulation with Rowan. Thank you for that.


Wow! I had exactly the same experience on a flight with my autistic child - changes in lighting - though from darker to brighter. I even had a flight attendant twice ask me to control my loudly crying child who was so distraught she was intermittently choking. She was in her seat and doing nothing wrong but apparently there had been complaints. I'd seen plenty of dirty looks.

My biggest thought was ok, these people are less comfortable because a child is crying and choking. I understand that. Did anyone stop and wonder how u comfortable she must be to be making those noises? Did they think how distraught a person needs to be to cry like that? There seemed to be a total lack of compassion for her. And for myself, did the complainers wonder how it feels to desperately want to take away the pain of your child and feel helpless because none of the usual soothing techniques are working?

I only just discovered self compassion through your website. I realise in hindsight that I felt self compassion in this moment. I told myself that we were both doing the best we could in a situation that was extremely difficult for both of us, that neither of us can please everyone all the time (and also that those others got on a public flight with expectations of a private charter experience).

I had moments in lockdown of feeling like poor me I have to work a full time job, homeschool and I can't go outside in nature because my child hates it. I did remind myself that it was ok to feel bad and that most people were feeling bad for some reason.

I identify that self compassion does always make me feel better and I want to develop more of it. I especially want to help my child develop more of it, because she is now very self critical, easily embarrassed and very self esteem dependent.

***I would really love to see some resources for children if possible.***

Also a question, are those who are very low in self compassion attracted to very high compassion individuals (something the dating example made me curious about).


Guided self-compassion exercise is at 33:50


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! Thank you so much! 😘


Self-esteem is greatest sickness ever invented by humans. Unconditional self acceptance is so liberating.


I m really much impressed the way you have explained the self compassion ..
U have have excellent presentation skills..
U have changed whole perspective..
I believed till now that being self compassion will make make me lazy and proscratinate....and prevent me from achieving I will finish my meal in two minutes get extra work done ..I was harsh on my self to work hard ..,
U have changed my perspective really ...
How can I have your book ..
would like to read it ...


Thank you! feeling great after the talk


She is the best example of Self-compassion just in the way she presents herself and speaks in such a kind and gentle caring way.

Also when Kristen meets the Personification of Self Compassion, and compassion for his children ( he is the creator) that's going to be one Beautiful encounter the same type of encounter as the ( outcast)samaritan woman Jesus met at the well.

25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes,  he will tell us all things.” 26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.”

REF > John chapter 4 read the whole chapter ty :D


No wonder your self esteem plummeted is because you're getting them from outside your self. A true lasting self esteem comes from within - the knowing that you're enough just the way you are.


There's nothing wrong with self-esteem. It's healthy to esteem yourself. True self esteem is based on inner self love.
You don't have to bash one theory to promote something else.
Just talk about self compassion and be done with it.


18:40 self compassion cultivates connection with humanity!❤️‍🩹


He's not autistic, he's just a toddler


Trump is not a narcissist. He has the capability to be self-deprecating, a sure sign of not being narcissistic. He is, however, a scapegoat—which is an entirely different subject.


Haha butthurt Trumpers in the comments
But yeah she should have left politics out if her goal was to reach as many people as possible


Went to the website and there's no self-compassion test on there?
