How to tame dinosaurs in Ark: Survival Evolved | Survival Handbook 2.0

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I show you the different ways to tame the creatures you see around you. I break down the different types of taming, like knockout and passive taming. This will help you to understand advanced crafting using the mortar and pestle, tranq arrows, narcotics, saddles, passive taming, and more.

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0:00 Intro
0:26 Knockout taming
1:14 Pasive Taming
1:29 Specialty taming
1:51 Pre-requisites
2:29 Advanced Crafting
3:21 A Basic Dino Trap
3:56 Final Supplies
5:27 Tame the trike!
6:21 Torpor Fleeing
6:43 Finalizing the Tame
7:20 Taming Effectiveness
8:03 Taming Tracker
8:15 Saddle and Trike Tips
8:37 Outro

#ark #arksurvivalevolved #gaming
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Thanks for the info put how do I feed them narcotics/narco berries?


Me with 1, 000 ark hours - "ahh yes taming tutorial, let's watch the entire video"


i got over 2k hours into ark and yet i find these videos very interesting and fun to watch thank you for making them!


Thank You for making this currently! I’m a starter right now so this helps a lot


Nice to start an updated series, now I can share this with my friends that are fresh to Ark :)


I love these videos. I already know this but I still like watching these because your explanations of everything on Ark is so awesome I still learn stuff I didn't know thanks for all the great info


I know all about ark (thanks to you) easiest cave runs, note runs, and what creatures for what job, but I still rewatch your vids cuz I love the explanation and just makes me want to play the game more


I finally installed ark again after my old laptop had died 2 years ago and I'm so happy you uploaded this


I love your content, I like that you are experimenting with the ark emotes lol. Very creative and interesting!


thank you for all the educational videos, helping me on my first boss runs.


One of my original ark educators. Thanks for another great video


Bro your videos are amazing. Thanks to you I started playing ark years ago. So glad to see that you are back!!!


Great summary for Beach Bob Beginners!


Remember the days before the trike had that annoying charge attack? I certainly do... Those were the good ol' days, back when Ark was still about surviving with dinosaurs and relatively simple weapons and technology; not random alien-like creatures, tek creatures, and giant flying laser space whales... May the version of Ark that I fell in love with rest in peace; you were a symbol of a better time, and the beloved source of so many hours of entertainment.


One point about Using Narcoberries. While not as potent as Narcotics, just like when you eat regular berries you food stat goes up slowly over time even if you eat them quickly, narcoberries go up much slower, and while going up torpor doesn't go down, and torpor goes up slowly, so when you do starve taming they are actually more efficient than using narcotics.


The most consistently good taming traps in my experience:

For land creatures:
A stone 2x2 pitfall trap, with doorframes at least 2 high on every side, with ramps up one side of the trap. When you have built the trap, Agro the creature you’re wanting to tame, and get it to chase you. Run up the ramp and into the trap, then run out of any of the doorframes, leaving the creature unable to chase you, open to knocking out. This trap works for creatures as small as a raptor to creatures as big as a Rex. This trap is pretty simple to modify, it can be made smaller to save resources when taming smaller Dinos, or it can be made bigger, if you aren’t confident in your ability to kite the creature accurately.

For flying creatures:
A (again) stone 2x2 foundation square with double doorframes at least 2 high on three of the four sides of the foundation square. On the last open side, build a stone Dino gateway with gate. Then, of course, build ceilings on top of the doorframes. This trap is useful for taming argies (seen as this is my modified version of the classic argy trap) as well as griffins on ragnarok, Crystal isles, and other custom arks, as well as snow owls on extinction. If you have a pteranodon (which you should have by this point in the game when you’re able to tame argies) with mid to high stamina, you can get an argy or griffin to chase you. Fly into the trap with your ptera, making sure the argy/griffin follows you in, and then fly out the back with the pteranodon. Pteras can fit through double doorways, while griffins and argies cannot. Thus, your ptera will escape the cage while the argy or griffin gets stuck. Then, quickly land and dismount the ptera and close the Dino gateway behind the trap, sealing in the flyer.

Of course, these traps aren’t the only traps you’ll need for creature taming. Powerful dinos like gigas, manas, or trapping wyverns to harvest milk, but for the most part, these traps will ger the job done for most early to mid game tames.

Hope this helped all you beginners


Even if u dont have a sadle, having a Trex pet will be like a body guard for you. It will follow u and fight for you. Collect meat for you. And its better than having nothing by ur side. :)


Heh Pterafier, I wish you an amazing career and some good luck. Also, I heard Ark would be getting a UE5 revamp soon. What would you like to see?? I’m not sure you remember me but I’ve said hello a few times on your streams and videos. Love you man.


First trike me, my gf and her sister got was one that was stuck in some trees and a rock so it was easy, yesterday we got another thanks to a new tranq arrow


This looks like where I'm going to die about 10 time before getting it right. LOL. Still watching as ARK installs. 45% Now. 😛