A Brief introduction to the Vedas (Structure and Concepts) #Hinduism

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What are the Vedas? How are they structured and what are some it's key concepts.

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Indeed difficult to remember.
Amazing how our ancestors and practitioners even today remember them including tones and mudras.


Most of the asthikas/ PPL following asthika darshanas would not know these..happy to see charvaka ( nasthika darshina)


Very nice! Please do get Shathawadhani Ganesh on the podcast I'm sure he'd love a discussion on these topics. Would have loved to see Vidwan Pavagada Prakash Rao! But don't know if he speaks English but man his Knowledge of Indic scriptures are mind boggling and he keeps them at the tip of his tounge. A sharp orator, a Kannada teacher.


A journey of inspiration and passion, discovering Kushal Mehra and going through his old but important videos on his journey and also my journey towards Dharma.


this really needs a PPT presentation / basic diagramatic representation of the structures. very difficult to absorb in this form.


Excellent topic and Kushal did a fantastic job explaining the basic structure of the Vedas!


Thanks for this video. Very good, am becoming a fan.
I am not expert in Sanskrit, but have tried to study Upanishads un English, Hindi and Marathi. The main 10. I can be wrong but I heard adi shankaracharya wrote commentary on them hence then regarded as important.

I also hear Sanskrit language has not changed much over time like Marathi or other languages have. I also hear Sanskrit was the same from himalay to Kerala, something unusual for a language. I could be wrong


I have heard a Guru state that वेद is called as त्रयी since all वेद have three types of मंत्र - ऋक्, यजुस् & साम. All the four वेद are expressed in these three kinds of मंत्र and hence these are referred to as त्रयी


Great video, i hope you do not mind me saying but the sound quality could be a touch better, even on the highest volume it is not easy to follow what you are actually speaking.


Well sir, while studying Vedas OR Upanishadas what is important? Subjective Knowledge and not Objective Knowledge. Or in other words, western way of studying is mostly about "who, what, when, where and little about why and how". But our scripture should be studied for "What, Why and How". Thas is why we don't find any author, place and date mentioned.


Aaawwww Man, Thankyu Sir So SoOo much for doing this for us, I am soO greatful an thankful to listen to Yu..
I've been trying to understand about Vedas for longest time, an felt so unfortunate for that.
MY QUESTION, I heard that "Karma kanda', is part of the Vedas where is taught the ritual procedures ( I assume for pujas and homas, ) however, I have yet to read in any English translation of these " ritual procedures", other than prayers ND supplication to Diety, but I didn't see bout puja samgri to use, and what to do in the ritual... Maybe I just did not recognize it if I did cross it. So can Yu tell if there is. Very specific part of Veda, telling this...ND yes I will check yur monologue than.


To calculate the date u need to learn the concept of Yugas, Manvantara, Kalpa, Maha Kalpa, Brahma Varsha ...etc....its the concept of cyclical time


Wow, Kushal! Too much information to digest at not one, but several outings! But I am impressed that you made the effort.


Man-tra = mental-transport literally. The Veda (the "s" for plural is a western addition, like the "s" in "sutras". It is mantra and sutra only) was designed to be memorized and were therefore presented in a mnemonic form of verses that can be mugged up and recited. The Brahmins had the sole duty of transporting this knowledge down the ages by memorization and have been the perfect time machine which is not possible in written form. There is negligible difference in these verses from South to North and East to West of India. That itself is testimony to the power of this knowledge.


Please read "Satyarth Prakash" because you're confused and are confusion others.


The 4 Vedas: A trilogy in four parts. The original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Nilesh Oak seems to have done good work on dating the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, saraswati river.


Rig Veda : Out of 10 mandalas 7 are attributed to Sptarishis and the remaining 3 r said to be by their desciples... Yajur Veda ...Shukla part is attributed to Yagnya Valka ....and the Atharva Veda is by Atharva Maha Sama Veda is 95% Rig Veda only but its musical composition to thosepoetic meters.


Pdf please😂😂
amazing presentation.thank you very much for the information.


We move from known to unknown even as per science.
