SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Gospel (Luke 6:17, 20-26) - The Word of God for Everyone

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(Luke 6:17, 20-26)

The Word of God for Everyone
Dear People of God,
In God's Word for today, God the Father invites all humanity to turn to the infinite mercy of God the Father. There is no god, no creature, that brings unconditional love like God the Father.
Humanity, please wake up and open your hearts to receive grace and light from God. Do not sit still and curse the darkness of sin, nor remain in sadness, sorrow, and suffering! Instead, stand up and courageously step into the light, with the source of God's grace, and heed His invitation: open your heart to love and forgive, to be kind, to do good, to give, to be gentle, to be sincere with God the Father and others, to be sincere with all creatures, with a loving heart, and with a simple, joyful, happy, blissful, and peaceful soul. God the Father has given His law of love to all creatures in this world and this universe, without excluding any creature, even Satan. God also invites us to repent and return to God. Do not go against His commandments any longer, do not live in hatred, suffering, sadness, or killing. Do not fight for power and position, do not seek honor or lift yourself up. Do not compete, be jealous, selfish, hateful, or divide each other. Always seek harmony, peace, and happiness with God the Father and your brothers and sisters. Do not exclude one another, for all are children of God the Father. The image of God the Father is hidden within the soul, in the nature of every creature He created.
The Word of God in today's first reading speaks of a sentiment: Because of the fear of God, King David loved even his enemy, King Saul, and his army. Although he had the opportunity, David did not kill the king but forgave him generously. This is an example of fearing God and loving others as oneself.
Next, the Word of God today teaches us to love and forgive those who persecute and harm us, to give, to do good, and to be generous. Do everything that God the Father desires, with gratitude and forgiveness; be merciful as God the Father is merciful. Do not be jealous, do not judge, and do not condemn, for all people are sinners before God the Father and others. No one is pure before Him! Therefore, each person should beat their chest and repent of their sins. Do not condemn, do not blame, do not be angry, do not shout, insult, or envy. Do not compete, exclude, or harm each other.
As the Word of God today clearly teaches, if people do not forgive each other, they themselves will not be forgiven by God. If we are still arrogant, thinking that we are better, holier, more moral, and criticizing our brothers and sisters as sinners, then be careful! Our souls will be burned in hell for eternity.

The Word of God today also teaches that if we judge, condemn, and blame our brothers and sisters, our souls and bodies will also be eternally punished! For God the Father is the One who sees all people; no one can hide from Him! He is the One with absolute power, and even Satan, who is disobedient, must bow before His presence.

Today's Word of God tells everyone in this world that if each person knows how to love their brothers and sisters as much as themselves, God the Father will also love and reward them in accordance with the love they have for others. The more we give, the more we will receive—and even more! That is, He will give eternal happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven. So choose wisely, follow the will of God the Father today, reflect on His Word over and over again, and put it into practice. For God's Word has the power to dispel the demons of Satan who control the souls and bodies of humans. God's Word has the power to draw people closer to the Source of light, so that they can enjoy complete happiness with God—a happiness that no one can take away!

Therefore, here on earth, people should strive to enrich themselves before God the Father by living virtues and practicing His loving teachings. Let us follow the example of King David: obey God the Father above all things, trust and rely on His teachings, and fear the commands that God lovingly gives to each person.

Thanks be to God. Amen.
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