Episode 8.5: The Open Door Policy: Did the U.S. Inadvertently Save China?

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US History The Open Door Policy

The United States was seeking to expand its influence and economic power around the globe but we were being cut out of China by the Europeans in their respective spheres of influence. The major European powers had carved up China into zones of economic interest where each had special privileges. In order to combat this the United States Secretary of State, John Hay, developed the Open Door Notes which became the basis for the U.S. Open Door Policy. The policy said that no country could prevent another from trading with China. The policy was ignored at first by the European powers. Another trend developing at the same time was the rising tide of Chinese nationalism lead by the likes of Sun Yat Sen and Chaing Kai Shek. This rising nationalist sentiment in China lead to a revolt against foreign influence in China that is called the Boxer Rebellion today. The Europeans and Americans joined forces to put down the Boxer Rebellion and at that point it would have been a prime opportunity for the Europeans to carve China up into colonial possessions but the U.S. intervened citing its recently developed Open Door Policy and encouraged the Europeans not to carve up China into colonial posessions. The European powers relented and China remained its own country at least in name.

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Working on a history project and this helped me alot. Thanks


This helped me understand what I was doing for a project, thanks so much!!


As a Chinese, I have to clarify that Sun Yat Sen and Chaing Kai Shek were not yet in the picture by the time of the Boxer Rebellion and the Open Door Policy; only later


I hope you have enjoyed the video. If it has helped you make sure you like the video and hit subscribe. So what are your thoughts? Would the Europeans carved up China into colonies following the Boxer rebellion had not the U.S. stepped in to enforce its Open Door Policy? Did the U.S. inadvertently save China? Make sure you check out some of the other videos about Imperialism and many other U.S. History topics.


Very useful video and clearly explained so thank you


How would a person go about learning the names of diplomats between the us and china 1900-1932. Liaison is the term I am interested in, and who filled that position?



1. The Open Door Policy directly dealt with China. (Stated at 0:05)

2. A country's sphere of influence is a region where it is economically advantaged compared to its rivals. (Stated at 1:18)

3. The Open Door Policy stated that countries could not prevent other nations from trading within that country's sphere of influence. (Stated at 3:03)

4. John Hay was the Secretary of State. (Stated at 2:43)

5. The White Lotus Society or the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists is the society that started the Boxer Rebellion. (Stated at 4:29)
