The END Of DJing With Streaming Services

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I started DJing with Djay 2 and Spotify, and I was so upset when Spotify was no longer integrated into DJ software. I got used to Tidal streaming services. With the new update to Djay, we can no longer use Neuralmix with Tidal. This leads me to believe we might lose streaming services altogether in the near future.

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I had a dj gig this weekend, and sometimes someone wants to sing a song, I know most of us HATE when ppl ask to Karaoke during our dj sets lol but sometimes just for fun ok, this gig a wedding the groom asked if he could sing a song to his bride, last minute, asked while I was setting up, he gave me $100 tip, when the time came for him to sing, I got the notification that neural mix was unavailable 😮 so I told him give me a few minutes, I downloaded the song and used bandlab splitter and deleted the vocals, , I hope streaming services or at least tidal doesn’t go away for Dj’s it has the best quality


they told us in the next serato DJ update that you cant use stems in tidal. but i only use streaming services when im in a bind or dont have the physical fire on my hard drive


Your probably right. I thinks it's probably just a matter of software and services doing the shuffle again! Dj's always find a way and always have. Stems and (quality stems) which Tidal did not have is something that Djs may end up finding in an exterior hardware device specifically for stem mixing. Such things do exist. After I updated I was able to mix and match using Tidal and Soundcloud which seems like the industry standard, i.e., Rekordbox. Then was promted to update to 5.01 and after that crossing in between streaming services wasn't allowed. The software still worked fine with the tracks that I had downloaded. I was pretty impressed by the beatgriding update and the stems we're superior compared to Tidals. Really haven't seen that in any other DJ software including Abelton.


I thnk the labels want the track purchased outright instead of streaming subscriptions. Which if there is a compromise between ownership and DJ SW capabilities, then that's fine. Use streaming to find tracks you like to play, and if you really like them, purchase and put that in your permanent library and use Neural Mix etc. as you see fit. I get your points about EQ and effects but maybe they need to renegotiate the licensing terms to cover the stem separation and then they will reinstate the feature. Of course, that means subscription services could have a DJ carve out vs. standard listeners who don't need or use stem separation. As long as the artists are getting the bump in fees, I'd be good with that.


I hope you’re wrong lol. I really enjoy Tidal and previously Spotify. It’s funny this is something that is taking place in music and videos and movies and I personally believe it’s not the artist that are pushing this as much as the lawyers who get paid to push it. I can’t imagine the hourly bill that Tidal has right now from lawyers and all the music service lawyers to resolve this. I’ve actually placed my order for a new DJ controller on hold because I was going to get one that would work with DJ Pro.
One of my favorite features that I use to DJ through a streaming service is to simply add songs to a playlist throughout the week prior via my phone and then they show up in my iPad later for my Gig. Do you know of any music services that could allow me to simply search a song and then it show up later without me having to go and download them from my computer and then reload them to my iPad.


Streaming will become more and more of a focus in this area, as has long been the case in other areas. In this respect, I don't believe that these restrictions mean the end of the streaming services thing. On the contrary, we are only at the beginning. I can well imagine that providers like Tidal will have special offers for DJs in their portfolio in the future. This is also supported by the fact that they have launched a survey to find out which features would have to be included to make it interesting for DJs.


Where do you go to purchase 80’s/90’s/00’s R&B music


Hope its not true. Maybe now when streaming, a DJ License be required.


Good points Justin, even if it is not completely dead it definitely is very unreliable to use streaming to dj. These companies do not care about the customer / end user who may have spent hours to analyze the tracks, place cue points, loops etc. now that data is gone with the service gone (case in point Spotify). In an unrelated issue I am unable to add a new folder in djay with an update to 5.0. and updating to 5.0.1 has not helped.


Hey Justin can you me find websites to help get sync license for popular songs for YouTube video


hello, I am confused. i buy all my tracks from BEATPORT. Are you saying that in future PURCHASED tracks will be affected ???


Theres a world of difference between running a flanger over a song and using AI to strip the drums completely and turn it into a house track. Labels have always been against that part and its why they stopped making the acapella/instrumentals as widely available going back to the CD days. Nothing new there. Also streaming wont go away completely. Beatasource for example is all in on the streaming side. At worst you might see a decrease in available tracks as labels pull back some licensing but thats nothing new either.


Its time we go back to purchasing music


For a while now, I've been watching the instability in some of the streaming service partnerships with various DJ platforms. That's why I never got into depending on streaming and rely almost exclusively on my curated offline music. Side effect is that I never have to worry about access to WIFI or using my phone as a hotspot in an area with bad reception. I think if I were doing events where servicing requests was common, I might have a different outlook, but even then, the last thing I want is to get dependent on a particular service only for the terms to change and pull the rug out from underneath me.


Bassically technology like neuralmix make it whery easy to extract element of popular track and integrated access to streaming service make it very accessible. There can also be other tool used or sources as also know from some games. you also can notice there high number of realeses based from existing popular tracks.

Oposide to EQ and older workflow where you need much more work yo archive same result.


I just cancelled my Tidal subscription.


Actually the opposite, they will require $20-30 subscriptions as mp3s vanish


just don't DJ with streaming services.. it's not just don't DJ with streaming services.. it's not big news. it's just going back to status quo.. just a couple years ago, if you screamed any track as part of your DJ you would get a smack on your head from the other DJs and the sound guy.. just don't play streamed music. It will never be the same quality as a WAV or FLAC. sure, they were lossless streaming services, but those were the guys that decided to lock out DJ's first.
second, EQs and Efx are nowhere near to being the same thing as neural or any stem separation feature in DJ software..
EQs and effects are equivalent to filters that the DJ *adds* to a track. ie: they add a high-pass filter, and it sounds like they removed the bass. but they didn't. they didn't remove anything. all they did was turn the bass knob on the DJ mixer down which sent the audio through internal circuitry of the mixer which added a low-cut filter to the audio...aka high pass filter. The filter was added over top of the existing music.
STEMS separation is the act of using a separate computer program or algorithm within another software suite that will actually make changes to the original sound... this is pushing on the line of being production. although it is production that the DJ is not actually doing, nor does it take any amount of talent on the part of the DJ. there is no inherent performance aspect to stem separation.
applying fx and filters to music using any hardware does take talent and creativity from the DJ. ..One of these things is covered under 'performance rights' and one of them is closer to computer generated bootlegged remixes of original work..not authorized by the copyright holders... in other words, not a performance right.


You also can’t use tidal and another stream service at the same time 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


You are aware that it was always illegal to use Tidal in all DJ software when commercially djing in public?
