Get UNReady With Me! | My Bedtime Routine

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Before I start listin' away I just wanted to say to all of the people who have thanked me for something that you guys help me every day with your love and suggestions. This comment section is so full of love, realness and positivity which is hard so come across in this day and age, it is everything I could ever ask for and more in a community of people. So thank YOU, you guys mean the world to me.

1. What I eat before bed:
Started off at Golden Aura in Kitsalano for some mostly raw, vegan foodies!
I had the symbiotic slaw, raspberry kombucha and famous veggie sandwich! My boyfriend described it as the "best healthy food I've ever had!" hehe. I don't typically eat out on an average night, but if I want to get a good nights sleep, lighter, more digestible food is better.

2. What I like to wear:
My big robe, thanks mom!

3. My cleanser and exfoliant:
French Green Clay Konjac Sponge with Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Cleanser on top, the Niko organic cleanser is optional, I just use it because I have it. I really enjoy the way the sponge exfoliates. I do throw in an oil cleanse every couple of washes!

4. Toner:
Tone with diluted apple cider vinegar, the konjac sponge is alkaline, so I throw something acidic on after so the results are not short-lived! Remember your skin's acid mantle!

5. Favourite eye cream:
I use the Pai Organic Skincare Echium Eye Cream, I absolutely butchered the pronunciation haha!

6. Best all-around moisturizer:
I use avocado oil all over my face, the brand I use is Olivado

7. Bed time drink:
My herbal tea is made from lemon balm herb, linden flower, chamomile flower, lavender flowers, passion flower and skullcap herb. It tastes great and it really helps me sleep, I am prone to anxiety so it's a great thing for me!

8. Midnight snack:
Brazil nuts, cherries, blueberries, sautéed mushrooms and carrots with pepper

9. Winding down:
I put on a record! I picked Either/or by Elliott Smith! My favourite song on it is Between the Bars

10. Right before bed:
Brush my teeth with Jason toothpaste, don't forget to floss, I just use any old floss around the house, no preference!

Question: Do you still do the oil cleansing method?
Answer: Yes, but only a few times a week now. I had no issues with the OCM, but I like trying now things. I also prefer to switch up my skincare to something that feels lighter in the summer! I have very oily skin and no air conditioning, so anything that coats my skin rather than instantly removes feels uncomfortable in the summer!

Comment: Rantau Abang Terengganu
Answer: Hell yeah!

Question: I can't find the konjac sponge for 5 dollars, only for 10.
Answer: I'm an idiot, I must've not noticed it was on sale because I can't find it for 5 dollars anymore either. So so sorry.

Question: Will my acne scars go away?
Answer: If your skin is anything like mine, they will (if they are in the form of hyperpigmentation, my acne changed my skin texture but did not leave any big indents). Take good care of your skin and body, find gentle products, fruit/veggie masks and oils that your skin loves, and the pigments will fade over time. Be patient, some of my scars went away after a few weeks, and some took a few years to completely go away.

Question: Isn't it the worst thing in the world to eat before bed?
Answer: I believe that is a myth that has been debunked by scientific evidence, I could be wrong though. Your body would continue to digest things even if you were hanging upside-down, peristalsis is not contingent on gravity, and neither are the enzymes that break food down. That said, I prefer eating very light before bed because I sleep better if I don't have a full, grumpy stomach!

Question: What temperature of water do you use to wash your face?
Answer: : Lukewarm!

Love and light,

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Just discovered your channel today and I am going on a spree watching all your videos.

You are the only youtuber I have ever seen that doesn't normalize being glued into social media for the first few moments of the day. I love your focus on self care, research, and health.



You are so different to the other beauty youtubers on here and that is great! I love that you use natural oils and cleansers for your skin. You have tought me a lot on how i can look after myself in a natural way. Thank you!


Mine is lay down in my unmade bed with food and trash on it while I watch YouTube videos and, if I'm lucky, knockout around 3:00am. Lol


This account and her gaming account are so different😂


ahaha your voice changed so so much since this video that's crazy! yeah ok saturday night youtube bingewatching. guilty.


Your videos have been a big help to me. "Why Your Skincare Routine isn't Working" saved my skin. You are a very beautiful person and I appreciate what you're doing.


I love watching your videos because they seem so honest! I completely agree with you about going to bed early. I wake and have a very productive day.


I honestly cannot say enough how much I love your videos. I am living in Toronto. I have been looking for a "organic guru" for such a long time, and now I found it :D. so happy. please make more videos more often. Thanks


I swear, you have singlehandedly changed my skin care routine and even what my diet consists of. There are atleast two jars of organic coconut oil in my home at all times now.


This is a great video! Doing some research on the konjac sponge and it was very nice to see a beauty blogger that is doing something different.  I will definitely check out more videos! Loved your focus and tips on health and self-care.


I cant agree more with the 1st 2 comments above, you are the number 1 here in youtube. Beauty, sympathy, intelligent, and a hot body to match it! Please dont ever leave you tube, your videos are a GREAT inspiration for REAL people who also care. Love you!!!!


By far one of my favorites of your older videos! It reminds me to respect bed time. Lots of love, thanks Kass!


Also, the Devita Solar Protective Moisturizer and the Andalou Naturals Untinted BB Cream are both natural and use zinc as the active ingredient. Zinc is great for acne-prone skin! I use the Devita one everyday and love it (no white cast, not greasy), but I'm looking to try the Andalou one next as I've heard great things about that as well!


Hey Kassie! I just adore your videos and you as a person! I always watch your videos when I want to wind down and relax and your beauty tips are sooo good! I already purchased some of the oils you recommend and I really like the effect. Don't you ever stop uploading! :) Hugs from UK :)


I love your videos cassie, there are not many beauty youtubers that support all nataural products! I honestly learn alot about goodhealth from you so thankyou and carry on with your awsome videos! 3


Your bedtime routine sounds so beautiful and peaceful. Have been trying to get my night time routine to get like this, and will try using some of your rituals. I also tried the konjac sponge per your recommendation and it is awesome need to buy another one soon.


You are my favorite on YouTube. Such a breath of fresh air. You inspire me :)


your nose profile is literally perfect


Thank you so so much for your helpful videos and tips! I have a lot of acne and an occasional cyst here and there but you've persuaded me to change my lifestyle to make it better! I've been using the oil cleansing method and it works wonders on drying up my pimples but they always come back :( so I'm going to change my diet and lifestyle and hopefully it will get better! Your such an inspiration! Never stop making videos please! :)


I left this comment for someone else as well, but this could apply to you too! I also suffered from a dry and sensitive scalp a little over a year ago. I started taking Iron, Omega 3, and Calcium with Vitamin D tablets and my scalp went back to normal within a couple weeks! They also stopped my hair loss. I just take 1 of each tablet every day :) Good luck!
