⭐ Top 10 Best Free Wordpress Themes For 2024 (Seriously)⭐

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In this video, we're going to show you the 10 best free WordPress themes for the year 2024. We've selected themes that will help you create a website in a fraction of the time and with far fewer headaches!

Best Wordpress Themes
( They Dont Really Come In Any Specific Order)

Tutorials For Wordpress

So if you're looking for the best free WordPress themes for the year 2024, then watch this video and you'll find the perfect theme for your needs! From business to ecommerce to health and fitness, these themes will have you up and running in no time at all! I hope you enjoyed my list of the best wordpress themes.


00:00 Intro
01:48 Theme 1
04:47 Theme 2
07:50 Theme 3
11:33 Theme 4
14:20 Theme 5
17:39 Recommendation
19:09 Theme 6
22:58 Theme 7
26:12 Theme 8
27:54 Theme 9
31:25 Theme 10
34:26 Honorable Mentions

👉👉Important Links

Check out my other Multilingual WordPress Tutorial Youtube Channels!

free wordpress themes, best free wordpress themes, best wordpress themes, darrel wilson
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Hey Party People!

NOTE: I decided to mix up 7 FREE and 3 PRO themes in this video. ( So this video includes a few PRO themes but mostly free themes) I forgot to mention that some Wordpress themes were pro. There are 3 PRO themes and 7 FREE Wordpress Themes but somehow I forgot to mention it in the video, it looks like my editor might’ve cut that out. My Bad :p

PS: make sure to hit the thumbs up button and stay safe :)


I highly appreciate your effort of addressing best themes in WordPress. this is priceless video. Thank you again darell.


Darrel, you are always the best. Thank you so much for breaking this down in this easily. I see all these things individually but seeing them made to stand against each other makes you notice the major pros and cons of each. Thanks again


This was a great video. Thanks, I'm going to start following you. I have used the Flatsome theme for the last few years, but I like a couple of the themes you showcased on here.


I'm a total noob but will check out your elementor tutorial and get brizy to experiment. I definitely think having access to hundreds of templates would confuse me at the beginning. Hopefully I'll finish a simple website and in a few months try my hand with templates using another wordpress theme.


I currently looking for a good theme for my future website and i found your video is very helpful and one of the best, so thank you.


Wow, there is so much information that I reviewed the video like 5 times to properly understand the options! Thanks a lot :D


World class video! I can say Elemento Paid version with Astra is pissing me off, good to know there are alternatives. My main thing is to avoid Plugins, so it seems spectra One or Blocksy for the win, gonna test it out.


Thanks man been learning from you, so what do you think is the best for blogging for beginners as for the free version phlox or blocksy ? Or do you recommend something else.


Thanks for the video, very informative. Which one do you recommend for a new blog. Am starting a health and wellness blog, and I want something beautiful and easy to navigate


I have Divi. I love it however Essentials looks good as well. Thanks Mr. Darrel


Hi Darrel, I just wrote my first book, for sale on Amazon and want to build a website, what is your best choice for authors? I am pretty detail oriented but new to website building. I want to learn because I want the option to update my pages without help. Your videos are so clear and easy to understand, thank you.


bloksy theme tutorial for affiliate marketing, thank you for sharing


Thank you so much sir you resolve my problem to selecte the best theme for my webstie


i always stood by videos you had posted great Job bro so proud of you. there is any change by landing this question hopely get a quick answer What is the best theme for E-commerce modern looked and high speed performance? do you have any videos i could look up to? thank you Darrel


Amazing overview of WordPress themes! Thanks a lot Darrel! :)
What do you think, what is the fastest theme that has a lot of possibilities for customization in the free version? Is that an Astra theme?
We use the Astra theme in our step by step tutorial regarding creating WordPress website from scratch.


Good vid! And here is my "angry" bricks fan comment. :) You right, Bricks is not biginner friendly. IMO its for webdiseners who tired of slopy BIG gamers in the field like Elementor or Divi. Its a very good alternative. You made the right choice to put it in the honorable mentions.


I am just a WordPress starter, used oceanwp theme a while, it doesn't showing widgets on blog pages. Now i am going for blocksy


essentials theme is not free. The title of this video says "best free Themes", or did i miss something? where can we download it for free, neither on the wordpress theme site or the essentials site is a free download possible...


Hi Darel, your video was very helpful for me as I want to create a website easily using WordPress. Yesterday, I was still confused about which theme to choose. Can you tell me which templates are still free now? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions, I just want to start learning WordPress now. Please let me know, Thank you!
