Smite - Top 5 Plays of the Week #15

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Inuki takes you through the 5 best plays on the battleground of the gods - get ready for greatness!

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What is a MOBA?

Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, or MOBAs for short, originated as a sub-genre of the RTS (Real-Time Strategy) genre. Because of this, in most MOBA games, the player takes control of a single character from the isometric (top-down) view akin to most RTS games. Typically, in MOBA games, a player takes control of a single character on one of two teams. Those players choose characters that all have their own abilities, or “kits”. To win, the players must use a combination of abilities, teamwork, and strategy to not only best their opponent, but destroy the opponents main structures. A bonus to the genre is that most MOBAs are free games, which is definitely a contributing factor of the their massive success. The genre has many titles, the largest of which being Defense of the Ancients (DoTA) and DoTA 2, League of Legends (LoL), and most recently SMITE!

What is SMITE?

SMITE is one of the more recent free MOBA games to enter the fray. In SMITE you don’t just choose a character, you choose a god. You’ll instantly feel an attachment to characters like Thor and Zeus because even if you don’t know the lore behind them, you’ve at least heard their names before! What makes SMITE so immersive is Hi-Rez Studios’ inclusion of historical lore into the gods’ abilities, kits, and play styles. Thor and Loki aren’t just characters from Marvel comics and movies. They’re also a part of Norse mythology and you can take control of them in SMITE!

What makes SMITE different?

SMITE takes all of the strategy of the top MOBA games and adds another layer of difficulty by putting you into the action! Unlike most MOBA games, SMITE offers players the chance to experience the MOBA genre they know and love from a third-person perspective. This unique perspective allows for an extremely immersive experience unlike any other game in the genre. While this doesn’t sound like such a big change, once you play it you’ll understand! All of these things added together is what has gaming websites everywhere continually rating SMITE as one of the best MOBA games available!
Рекомендации по теме

Okay, so I watched this Video yesterday and I was astounded. I had never watched a Smite top 5 before, but your commentary made me go back and watch 10 back to back. Not only this...I come on today thanks to the facebook page and all I see is you replying to people. You sir, are freaking awesome.


I'd just like to say that you were born for this role. Your voice is perfect for this. The editing, super-slow-mo, angles and sense of humor have improved this series to the point where I look forward to each installment and watch them more than once. Drybear wasn't bad, but you took this to a whole new level. I hope you keep doing these for a very long time!


these more slower and in-depth reviews of the top 5 plays are awesome!


I came around when Dry Bear had stops doing these so I went to see how he was. And I agree with you.
This guy makes the grass look epic!


"At least the Poseidon died with dignity." Oh Innukii, that slap in the face...


I don't know about you, but I'm liking Inuki's epic commentary much more. Keep up the great work, and don't let the comments get you down. This is ten times better than drybear imo, for more reasons than one.


Inuki has an awesome voice and he is funny. Just love his commentary :))


OMG!!! I love this narrator SO MUCH!

That DBZ reference cracked me up!


Loving anhur at the moment he's such a fun god


I had a series of complaints that it was too fast in previous episodes. Also, since all the plays are presented to be top notch plays, =P, it is always on a heightened occasion. If it's regular commentary then it would I have more dynamics. It's my first time doing this kind of stuff so I imagine I'll get better =)


as the commentator ? are you serious ? this man is the funniest man too commentate the gameplay XD


That obelisk prison though. Damn good job there


Dude, that was beast. Most players would not see that thor ult and even if they did, they wouldnt thnk to jump to avoid it.


The new video icons are out of this world awesome. ggwp HiRez.


'working around the maniacs you're forced to call a team' too fucking true


i dont like him more thant drybear, but i have to admit that he really does an awesome job on these top 5 plays, always great work and very professional videos


Number 4.. Just wow, awesome reaction


Great play. The best plays are the improvised, panicked ones.


I applaud you good sir, you must have practiced your pokemon skills to have landed that perfect hyper beam.


With the reveal of voice packs, i want a voice for Ra when he unleashes his ulti now, ka me ha me raaaa
