Searching Algorithm - (Q&A -9) - First non repeating character in a string.

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Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it. For example, if the input string is “HelloHi”, then the output should be ‘e’ and if the input string is “technical interview”, then the output should be 'h’.

This problem is very popular for any technical interview.

Difficulty: Medium
Topic: Searching Algorithm
DS: String | Hashmap | Linkedhashmap
Company: FAANG


In this video we will see, how to find the first non repeating character in a string.

**This video comes under "MEDIUM" section of interview questions.
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Q9:First non repeating character in a string:
Q10: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters:
Q11: Find Triplets In Array With Given Sum:
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#interviewWithBunny #codinginterview #crackingthetechnicalinterview

Additional Tags:
first non-repeating character in a stream of characters interviewbit
first non-repeating character in a stream using queue
first non-repeating character
find first non repeating character in string
first non repeating character in a stream leetcode
first non repeating character java
first non repeating character python
first non repeating character stream
first non repeating character js
first non repeating character in a string java
first non repeating character in a string python
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