The Book of Judges Chapter 21 - New King James Version (NKJV) - Audio Bible

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Chapter 21 of the book of Judges, written by Samuel a prophets to Israel, in the New King James Version (NKJV).

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A general overview of the Book of Judges is composed of stories from the lawless period of Israel's history between the invasion of Canaan following their Exodus from Egypt and wilderness wondering, and the establishment of the monarchy under successive kings. These stories are about the exploits of national heroes called "judges" most of whom were military leaders rather than judges in the legal sense of the modern word. On occasion these judges were even referred to as "gods", but only in the sense that they represented the one true GOD (Yahweh), who used them as human agents to perform His exploits (see: Psalms 82:6). One of the most popular and familiar of the judges was Samson, whose life and deeds are recorded in chapter 13-16.

The great lesson of the book is that Israel's survival depended completely on their obedience and loyalty to God, while disobedience and disloyalty always led to disaster. The book presents to us a wonderful display of God's mercy and grace towards His people, because even when the nation was disloyal to Him resulting in their punishment, He was always ready willing and able to forgive and save them form their calamity, when they turned from their sins in repentance, and returned to Him in obedience.
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