How to Do a Doorway Pec Stretch Exercise | 90 Degrees Abduction | MedBridge

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The Doorway Pec Stretch is a simple and effective stretch targeting the pectoral muscles (pecs), commonly used to alleviate tightness in the chest and improve shoulder mobility. It's particularly beneficial for individuals who spend extended periods sitting or working at a desk, as well as athletes involved in activities that require repetitive shoulder movements.

Steps to Perform the Doorway Pec Stretch

1. Set Up:
Stand in a doorway, facing outward, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Place your hands on either side of the doorway, slightly above shoulder height, with elbows bent at 90 degrees.

2. Positioning:
Step forward with one foot, shifting your weight slightly forward.
Keep your spine straight and avoid arching your back excessively.

3. Stretching:
Lean forward gently, allowing your chest to move toward the doorway.
You should feel a stretch across the front of your chest and shoulders.
Adjust the position of your arms and the depth of the stretch by moving closer to or further away from the doorway.

4. Hold and Breathe:
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and slowly.
Focus on relaxing into the stretch and allowing the muscles to release tension.

5. Release:
Slowly step back from the doorway, returning to the starting position.
Shake out your arms and shoulders gently to release any residual tension.

6. Repeat on the Other Side:
Repeat the stretch on the opposite side, stepping forward with the other foot and adjusting your arm position as needed.

Key Points to Remember
• Gentle Stretching: Avoid forcing the stretch; instead, ease into it gradually to prevent strain or injury.
• Maintain Alignment: Keep your body in a neutral alignment throughout the stretch, with your head, shoulders, and hips in line.
• Relaxation: Focus on relaxing the muscles of the chest and shoulders while holding the stretch.
• Breathing: Practice deep breathing to promote relaxation and enhance the effectiveness of the stretch.
• Customization: Adjust the width of your stance and the height of your hands on the doorway to find the most comfortable and effective stretch for your body.

Benefits of Doorway Pec Stretch Exercise
• Improved Shoulder Mobility: Helps alleviate tightness in the chest muscles, allowing for greater range of motion in the shoulders.
• Postural Correction: Counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting and poor posture by opening up the chest and promoting better alignment.
• Relief of Shoulder Tension: Reduces tension and discomfort in the shoulders and upper back, particularly for individuals prone to tightness in these areas.
• Enhanced Breathing: Opens up the chest cavity, making it easier to take deep breaths and promoting better respiratory function.
• Injury Prevention: Regular stretching of the pec muscles can help prevent shoulder injuries and promote overall shoulder health.

The Doorway Pec Stretch is a simple yet effective stretch for relieving tightness in the chest muscles and improving shoulder mobility. By incorporating this stretch into your routine, you can experience greater comfort, improved posture, and reduced risk of shoulder injuries.

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Thanks for posting this. It’s been a huge help with my headaches.
