NEW Boeing 737 MAX 10 Just Causes MASSIVE Issues For United Airlines!

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To say Boeing is in a bit of a mess with their seven-three-seven-MAX line-up is an understatement.

The 5th of January plug-door blowout of an Alaska Airlines Boeing seven-three-seven-MAX 9 Aircraft has left Boeing feeling the heat from the FAA.
This has raised concerns about potential delays in the production and certification of the MAX 7 and 10 aircrafts.

If that is to happen, United Airlines, one of the largest airlines in the world, who would’ve expected to be flying the MAX 10 by now, is set to be one of the most hit which will cause massive issues for the airline.

Well when it comes to safety and reliability the Airbus company is always the way to go never had a problem or grounded aircraft so if you want a future without hiccups Airbus is the only way to go Boeing will never learn 😮😮😮😮😮😮


I don’t get why no one wants Embraer airplanes from Brazil. Buying a Comac airplane means that China’s own Transportation Safety Bureau, assuming it has one, will have to be present in every investigation involving any incidences with their Comac airplanes. United should just keep their aging 737 NG until Boeing fixes their 737 Max or order from Airbus.


James Albaugh wanted a clean sheet new design. That would be likely been better. Thanks McNerney!


boeing is embracing the power of the dc10


United Airlines needs to go all Airbus !!


Morality: it's better to order Airbus planes that will surely be delivered in 7 years than Boeing planes promised to be delivered in 5 years... and that never come to life


A very important component of predicting the future to some degree is trajectory. Boeing's trajectory is in a downward freefall. Airbus is in an upward trajectory but not as much as many would like. Adding their new 72 acre plant might bring on line a greater capacity and move it upward even more. The Chinese are going to have to fight their reputation world wide for making substandard junk even though that has not been as great in the aviation sector the image from the rest of their marketplace hurts their chances. Serving a huge market in Russia and China may give them a way to prove themselves and send their trajectory up. Then there is Embraer who is entering the 737 type race. They have been in a steady climb for years so that track record will steepen their upward move. People are also familiar with their products and comfortable with the image. At this point in time and for all foreseeable future Boeing show no inclination to even want to pull out of the spiral. In fact they are stubbornly keeping their disastrous management in spite of all reason with none of them showing any change in the inept business plan. Boeing is keeping Killer Calhoun as president of the board of directors as well as all the current board but one so do not look for any positive change from them. In fact they are lining up for many more dramatic failures as their suppressed and hidden flaws will come out with tighter oversight. So the question is why would any airline choose to ride with Boeing's suicidal management right into the ground? They will not be building more airplanes to lighten the backlog but fewer planes as quality and safety rules start being enforced for the first time in three decades. All the while every other manufacturer is ramping up and increasing as fast as they are able. Killer Calhoun and his buddies are not only killing the physical ability to increase production but they have trashed the once sterling reputation to where it is an impediment to sales. Boeing is synonymous with killing their customers and their critics while leaving safety out of their equation. Killer Calhoun stages press conferences trying to project sincerity yet only magnifies and encapsulates slime. Every statement he has made has been an out and out staged lie proven by his actual performance. No I do not believe Boeing is any option at all for future growth in the industry and those who have their sights set on growth better dump this anchor around their necks.


Never ever in any industry including finance but especially technical, do not put accountants in top executive position. They are guaranteed to destroy your company.


In the future I will be sure to give UniteDEI Airlines a wide berth.


Well, if they go for Airbus aircraft, at least some of their aircraft will fly while Boeing aircraft are grounded.
I will _NEVER_ fly with a Chinese aircraft! _NEVER!_


The Chinese airplane has no approval from outside of China and given that it is a copy of western airplane it will face serious problem with the supply of semiconductors.


I came to the point of potentially trusting more a Chinese aircraft manufacturer instead of Boeing. Seriously


Amwreckia's ruling-class would never allow a Chinese aircraft to be flying in their country, l even it was the best in the world and came with a cargo-hold full of gold as a sweetener. They would rather have Boeing's shoddy stuff than anything superior from anywhere else.


The Russians have a brand new Airliner with 40% carbon fiber. It is the most modern plane in production. Lift the economic bands and we'll get to see who makes the best.


I have two concerns. Firstly, I believe that it would be unwise for United to purchase Comac planes as it could make the company vulnerable to high-impact Chinese political sanctions. I estimate that the chances of this happening are over 50% today. Secondly, about the certification of the Max-10. The FAA is requiring an up-to-date EICAS for certification. Boeing has offered an outdated EICAS for the Max-10 certification, which I believe could cause issues with the FAA.
