How To Connect With Your Loved Ones in the Afterlife

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I respect you for talking about death because we as a society are poorly educated about spirituality, afterlife and what death actually is. I hope I will add to your knowledge because for whatever reason it's a topic I understand very well. The key is to understand what consciousness is. You seem to appreciate that it is how we exist in the afterlife, but you make the mistake of thinking the physical world is different, and consequently your understanding isn't quite right.

You see, the only true reality is consciousness, it exists outside of space and time, it is infinite and eternal with no beginning or end. I don't know why but, if I had to guess the reason that all planes of existence, exist is to enable consciousness to be infinite by having infinite experiences and therefore learning infinite lessons.

Humans are conscious beings, the source consciousness, which I will just call source from now on, flows through us. We are directors, we have free will and we manifest reality with that consciousness. The consciousness flowing through me, is the same that is flowing through you, so on the most fundamental level we are all one.

All the realities that exist, such as the physical world on Earth, the non-physical dream world we experience while asleep, and the non-physical afterlife that we go to when we die are all manifested by the consciousness, flowing through the conscious beings that inhabit those realities. So, you see, the physical world from this perspective is, in fact, the same as the afterlife and consequently if you want to play tennis in the afterlife then it can appear as real or more real than tennis in the physical world. You can also have a body in the non-physical world, a house, you can live in a city or on top of a mountain, whatever you want. The labels, physical and non-physical are arbitrary and actually meaningless, the physical world is no more physical than the afterlife and the afterlife is no more non-physical than Earth.

There are significant differences though between Earth and the afterlife. You mentioned some, such as in the afterlife you have greater awareness and access to more of your consciousness compared to Earth. You appreciate that time doesn't actually exist and you are free to remember the past e.g., past lives, just as easily as you can remember the future or future lives. This is not the first life of anyone reading this, it's just that on Earth most of us don't have access to memories of past lives - although that is not true for all, and hypnotic regression is a tool that can be used by some, as well as other tools.

The main difference is the density of consciousness. Density is another arbitrary label but, what I mean is at the higher vibration, as Debra puts it, in the afterlife, consciousness can manifest reality more rapidly. So whereas on Earth it's a slow process, so slow that it appears we can't alter physical things e.g., we can't turn a dining table into a chair with ease, although Uri Gellar could bend spoons! That is not the case in the afterlife, where you can rapidly manifest what you want. Alongside time, not actually being real, this is the major illusion of the physical world we call Earth. We think time exists and physical stuff exists, but in fact it's all manifested by our consciousness, which we can control.

Although on the topic of manifesting reality, despite the fact there is one consciousness and we are all one at the most fundamental level. That consciousness is flowing through all of us and we all independently have free will. So the reality that is manifested is a shared reality and therefore, no matter how much you want to make your house lift off and shoot to the moon, it's not going to happen because people on Earth buy into certain rules, like gravity and the inability to move houses with your mind. If you are in cities in the afterlife with many conscious beings, then it will be the same, stuff will not change so rapidly because it's a shared reality and people have expectations of manifestations that are more permanent. However, the people in that society will all know that they manifest reality together, so activities such as mass meditation to change what is manifested, will take place and just through the power of consciousness, everything can be changed with agreement.

This could also happen on Earth but we are currently mostly unaware of these facts and therefore, to some extent, bound by the free will of others, which is a an intentionally misdirected free will by control systems such as the media.

One final point I will make is about dreams. At night, when we go to the sleep we actually go to the same non-physical reality that we will exist in when we die. Your body is asleep but your consciousness is awake in the dream world. The consciousness doesn't sleep. When you dream, you are mostly in a sort of private place and you're not aware you are dreaming, and no one else is there so you manifest your dream world rapidly and create whatever you want. Some people are aware they are dreaming, this is called lucid dreaming but they don't really have control, they are just appreciating the fact they are dreaming and perhaps making little adjustments. Dreamers can escape from their private dreaming area, and come across other conscious beings, in which case they are in a shared reality that is not as easily changed for the reasons explained. And some people, go beyond lucid dreaming, this is called astral projection, where you are fully aware and desire to be fully conscious in the non-physical world. You bust out of your private dreaming area and you actually explore the astral plane, which is the same place most of us will go when we die.

To summarise, there is one fundamental reality, source consciousness and we are all one. We are infinite and eternal, we are just currently living a very limited existence, but it was our choice, for whatever reason, probably personal growth of some kind. All planes of existence, whether it's the physical world, the dream world or the afterlife, or indeed many more, are all generated by the same process. It is source consciousness, dreaming. That consciousness flows through us and we manifest the reality in those planes of existence. Everything is fundamentally consciousness.


Hi Debra, thank you so much for today's video. I guess I just couldn't wait to communicate with you yesterday so I left a comment on the video you posted last week about the afterlife, *laughing*. Had I waited one more day, I would have said what I said in that comment today, if that makes any sense. Anyway I always appreciate you sharing your insights into the afterlife with us all. And like I said in the comment I left yesterday I finished reading Diary of a Death Doula on April 14th after reading each of the 25 chapters daily after buying the book on March 13th. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am telling all of my friends with interest in this subject to read it too. With love & light, Mick


Thank you for sharing the insight you experience as a medium. I often feel an unexplained presence of my father and husband who have passed on. They were difficult relationships, especially toward the end of life, and knowing that they have only higher level energy feelings somehow gives me peace. I sense they are looking out for my highest good.


Debra, thank you for doing these videos. Please keep them coming. 💗


According to astral travellers like Jurgen Ziewe, Luis Minero, Buhlman and others the "afterlife" absolutely contains of worlds with houses, streets and nature. We are multidimensional beings, and do not only become "blobs" floating around. As I understand this you choose according to your vibration which world you participate in, ..multiple worlds are physical worlds just like here. You will have your astral (energy body) intact, and stay in your vibrational place as long as you want to, ..or need to.


Thank’s Debra, Hope you and yours are staying well.


Hi Debra, very familiar with mediums/ afterlife as I watch nde stories and my daughter is intuitive as I am sometimes. 2 yrs ago my friend Bruce died and when I found out he started talking to me in my head and we would communicate and it lasted about 2 months but he’s gone, my mother passed oct 1st and I don’t feel her at all and I’m very frustrated, any advice? I disagree that you think it’s not possible, it happened to me!


Thank you very interesting. Does heaven exist? Is it a seperate spiritual realm from the afterlife. Is confusing to know what is truth when you have so many different religeons


I was forwarded this video to my community, in particular because of the idea there is no physicality on higher realms of existence. I can say personally (and definitively, for me) that is completely false. The other side works in such a way that our physics are operating 'faster' - the very electrons are spinning faster, beyond our speed of light. The environment is both thought responsive and physical. This is why there's been COUNTLESS NDEs and OBEs in cities, fields, temples, and other realms, often still in an astral human body. I really think this idea we are all vaporous is born from pop culture, not spirit communication.
