Watch: Day 8 Of Derek Chauvin's Trial | NBC News

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Watch live coverage of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Chauvin is charged in the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd. Warning: This stream may include images and audio some viewers may find upsetting or disturbing.

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Live: Day 8 Of Derek Chauvin's Trial | NBC News
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A meth head walked in my house about 4 years ago. He was young about 20, had long scraggly hair, super sunked in cheeks and eyes, about 5'6 to 5'8, weighed about 110-20 Lbs at most. We held him, interrogated him, and searched his things. We found meth and a gun that we found out later was stolen.

This dude was so out of it and said he didnt even realize he walked in to someone's house. He told us how his parents recently died months apart and he lost it and turned to drugs. We weren't sure if he was telling the truth especially because the name he gave us was so generic it sounded fake.

Because of the gun we called the cops and an ambulance since he looked like he needed it. He was foaming from the mouth and some of the things he talked about was all over the place and didn't make much sense, like his brain was scrambled. Anyway after the cops came we found out everything the guy told us about his life was true, he wasn't lying. He was actually od'ing so hes lucky he came to the right house and didnt get shot even though this is gun country.

He was arrested for the gun but we didnt press charges against him since he was honest with us and we flushed the drugs and didnt tell the cops about that because that would be another charge and the guy was struggling with addiction so we figured a gun charge would be bad enough.After they left I made a call to a rehab who I knew one of the owners and I asked if she could go check on him and see what she could do. I never heard back or was updated.

About a year later after the incident was forgotten we had a knock at our door and it was him. He didnt even resemble his old self. His cheeks filled out, he had a nice haircut and nice clothes. He came to apologize and thanked us. Anyway he ended up getting help he needed that he couldn't arrange himself. He was a different person. He was extremely thankful and still stays in touch now and then and even comes out to help with yardwork and such.

Sometimes ppl just need a little help and kindness. I thought I'd share because I've been reading comments that are so mean, hateful, and wrong about addicts, calling them worthless and such. They're not. This could've ended much differently. All it took was a couple hours out of my day to change someone's life. Totally worth it. It changed mine too.


I would love to know what Derek is constantly writing on his legal pad. He never looks at the witnesses & behaves like he’s a lawyer taking constant notes


why is the defense lawyer allowed to do commentation and not actually ASK a question? his senarios are nothing like what happened!!!!


The fact that youtube demonetizes small creators for nothing but allows and encourages ads on murder trials is a little odd 😐


They really got adds on this video🤦🏻‍♂️


After first break: 1:49:32
After second break: 3:59:27
After third break: 5:24:54


The amount of ads on this video is unconscionable


I don't think George Floyd said "I ate too many drugs." I think he said "I ain't do any drugs" because they kept asking him what drugs he was on, and he probably thought this was happening to him because they thought he was on drugs.


Chauvin's attorney interpreted: If dragons were attacking from the sky, if the earth was on fire, if zombies were emerging from the next block, in the middle of a hurricane.. would it be possible for an officer to miscalculate?


So... are the Minneapolis police ready for the next "peaceful protest"? I hope they can stop the mass destruction this time? It might be hard now that many police have left?


You know the defense is dismantling a case when a witness for the prosecution is cross-examined and then becomes a witness for the defense the next day.


Dr Tobin today on day nine should put the nail in that coffin, Will be interesting to see how defense will try and muddy his testimony after lunch . Very compelling testimony .


I have no problem with Chauvin having access to an expensive defense lawyer and a presumption of innocence. What I have a problem with is that way too many POC don’t have these same rights.


Before this trial started, nobody said that DC was kneeling anywhere but on the neck of, probably like a quarter or maybe halfway through the state's case, the defense has gotten the prosecution to actually say that DC was kneeling on somewhere that wasn't Floyd's neck (Frank said "kneeling on his back" no timestamp unfortunately). That in itself is an incredible concession for the defense, given that we have seen this incident on video multiple times throughout the first 8 days.


Why did Dragon Wok not want to hand over video footage, the investigators had to get a warrant? Wtf


4:26:53 Makes me wonder if the lawyers sometimes do this just so Derek is indirectly, but repeatedly insulted in the courtroom. I'm a big fan for the record.


Shouldn't have called the LA sergeant. Had enough testimony from other officers, trainers, and the police chief saying the same thing but without going through such intense cross-examine. He didn't add anything that wasn't already stated many times.


It will be near impossible to overcome the 9 mins 29 secs of excessive force on a non resisting person. They squeezed the life out of him.


GF was having a PANIC ATTACK in the back of the squad car because he was claustrophobic and was afraid of the police due to previously being mishandled/shot by the police. Panic attacks give the person who is experiencing them a sensation of not being able to breathe. Then he ACTUALLY couldn't breathe with 3 cops sat on top of him. People who are pointing out that GF was saying he couldn't breathe before he was on the ground as some kind of proof that the police restraint was not the cause for his inability to breathe need a reality check or are just not interested in the Truth. from the UK.


The initial reasoning Officer Ling & Lane putting Floyd in squad vehicle is so they can check Floyd’s vehicle. So, when Frm Officer Chauvin & Thao arrived they should of just sat Floyd on the curb or along the building wall either standing up or sit him down. All these Frm officers had no common sense. What they did was escalated the situation.

Prosecution need to pose that question!!!
