Is This American City a Cult... Or a Paradise?

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Thomas and Staffan here! We just wanna say thank you guys for watching this video. We hope you enjoyed it and enriched your life in one way or another, to us it did! We love ya all! :)

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Hosts: Thomas Brag & Staffan Taylor
Editors: Thomas Dajer, Cam Peddle, Driaan Louw, Aidan Chua
Producer: Melida Berton
Production's Assistant: Beatrice Longo
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“If you can clean the windows of perception, everything looks clear" - Wally

Staffan and Thomas here! We just wanna say thanks again to Wally, our own Yoda! It’s wild how many hours you can spend with someone and still feel you can keep on listening and learning. Thanks Wally for being so passionate about spreading your wisdom. And thanks to Brian and everyone else we met in this very unique and unusual town of Fairfield. We are continuing our meditations, and we hope you enjoyed this video :) Please let us know in the comments. We love ya Yes Fam!


Thomas stopping Staffan from joining cults should be the whole channel 🤣


12:20 Physician here, just to help clarify this.

He is correct in stating that chronic high levels of cortisol are linked to increases in cholesterol levels which is clearly not ideal. The rest is well, less correct, or even just false. Cortisol is also needed to live and we all have it within us, just like cholesterol. The bad is excess of LDL Cholesterol, especially with low HDL cholesterol and increased cortisol levels (happens due to hormonal imbalances or chronic cortisol treatments). Excess LDL Cholesterol is directly linked to plaque formation in the arteries, which when occluded can result in brain infarcts and heart attacks, both which could be fatal, especially if the patient has other risk factors such as diabetes or smoking. Increased cortisol levels creates a whole syndrome on the other hand, known as Cushing's, which is also very bad overall, with associated risk of obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc.


"This building actually has nothing in it... I just put 10 hits of acid into each of your cocktails" 🤣🤣🤣
Okay that was funny, Brian seems like a great guy.


I’m from Fairfield and I would highly suggest folks also keep in mind there’s a whole other side of Fairfield that isn’t TM. There are farmers, public school teachers, and everyone in between. This video is very misleading in the sense that this whole town is a cult. Although I myself am not a believer of TM, Fairfield is full of other vibrant experience like art walks, community theater, and sporting events. This is one very small side of Fairfield that some of us choose to keep separate from the rest.


Lady Gaga, "I do transcendental meditation. Bob Roth taught me."
Oprah, "Bob Roth taught me."
Me, "I do painting. Bob Ross taught me." 😅


My jaw dropped when I saw the thumbnail of this video! I grew up less than an hour from Maharishi and would compete in sports/music against kids from the nearby town of Fairfield. It’s a shockingly diverse city because of Maharishi and I admired that, but I was never able to find someone who could tell me what exactly went on within its confines and my parents (who are very knowledgeable about the area) would give me very vague answers whenever I asked. Never did I think Yes Theory would explore somewhere so close to home for me, so thank you!!!


Staffan is the perfect guy for Thomas to take on this trip! He is so friendly and positive. I love seeing this type of adventure, interacting with locals, type videos Yes theory videos


You can tell when Thomas is nervous, and Staffan has helped with his nerves. The way Thomas was snug up against Staffan in the church.. You can really tell that this is a brotherhood.
Staffan is Thomas's rock.


Would be great to have more transparency on how much they charged you for everything and of course as other commenters have said, more criticism and discussion around the scandals in order to provide more balance.


With all due respect, for me this was a to uncritcal video. its good to see things more optimically than usual and really like this aspect of yes theory .
still, i think some more critical quesitons would have been appropiate and a deeper dive into the controversies surrounding this place rather than just mentioning them


This might be the only channel that can always make me smile no matter what the video is. I suffer from intense depression and anxiety and Yes Theory is like a form of meditation for me. Thanks.


While I fully respect you guys for going out there and being open minded and just experiencing something. I can't help but feel that ultimately you're just doing a puff-piece for what very well might be (and definitely sounds like) a cult.

Simply saying that 'there are negative stories you can find online' but that you personally could not find a single negative thing to say feels like hand-waiving the issue. Not actually including a single person's account of their bad experiences or evidence of bad practices by the TM organisation to contrast the nice experience you had personally is, in my opinion, incredibly irresponsible!
Also, considering you mentioned in the video how there have been people that claimed to have to pay 'substantial sums' to climb ranks, not mentioning whatsoever what the constants money transfers were for and how much they were seems like an oversight.

I understand that you're not investigative journalists, but some standard of objectivity needs to be upheld when you have a potentially highly impressionable audience and you're tackling a subject as controversial as this. You have a responsibility in creating videos such as these to, at the very least, inform your audience of both sides adequately, lest you end up convincing someone to actually join a cult based on your positive 'review', so to speak.


I’ve been practicing TM for about 14 years. I only ever paid $ for the initial course and have never been pressured to pay more not even for the smartphone app when it launched a few years ago. The brief offering at the beginning of the course (flowers, fruit) is less dogmatic than it sounds…it was to pay respect to the teacher. A great respect for teachers is part of many Asian cultures, including the sub continent.
As for the technique itself, when I use it correctly (20 min. of meditation/twice a day), I feel better than when I don’t. The TM technique has assisted me in getting through some very tough times in my life. I find it particularly helpful in getting through the battering ram that is grief.


Heres the practice for FREE :)

1. Find a Quiet Space
Choose a comfortable and quiet location where you won’t be disturbed.

2. Sit Comfortably
Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. You can sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor or cross-legged on a cushion.

3. Close Your Eyes
Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.

4. Use a Mantra
TM involves silently repeating a specific mantra. The mantra is typically a meaningless sound or word given to you during your TM training. If you haven’t been taught a specific mantra, you might use a general sound such as "Om" or "Shanti."
Repeat the mantra silently in your mind, allowing it to flow effortlessly.

5. Focus on the Mantra
As you repeat the mantra, if thoughts, distractions, or feelings arise, gently bring your focus back to the mantra. It’s normal for the mind to wander; simply acknowledge the thoughts and return to the mantra.

6. Meditate for 15-20 Minutes
Continue this process for about 15-20 minutes. You can use a timer to keep track of the time without checking your watch.

7. Ending the Session
When you’re ready to finish, stop repeating the mantra and sit quietly for a minute or two with your eyes closed. Gradually return to the present moment before opening your eyes.

8. Practice Regularly
It’s recommended to practice TM twice daily for 15-20 minutes, ideally in the morning and evening.


I'm sorry to see you guys doing such a whitewash. You didn't even try to peek under the covers. This looked very much like a paid infomercial. Some of the things you could have asked:
~ Who gets the money?
~ Once you've learned the basic TM, what expensive extra courses do they try to sell you on?
~ Who did the supposed "scientific" research?
~ What do Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey think now?
~ What relationships do the heads of the organization have with Hindu "megachurch" gurus?
~ What relationships do the heads of the organization have with militant Hindu sectarian organizations like the RSS?
~ How much do they charge the TM meditators to get Hindu priests to do prayers for them 12, 000 miles away?
~ How many such prayers do they do in a month?
~ How can they prove they've actually done them?
~ When they talk "cultural integrity" (which they do a lot) do they just maybe really mean Hindu "sharia" law?
~ What do they see as the rôle of women?
~ What's their REAL view on the caste system?
~ Is MIU a Trojan Horse for Western Hinduism?
~ What's the drop-out rate from the "university"?

I mean, come on guys.


As a resident of Fairfield, who is not involved in the Vedic practices, but not a native to the town (been here for about 20 years) Vedic city is only one small portion of what Fairfield has to offer. We are a very culturally diverse town with a lot more to offer than what is being advertised here.

The isolationism isn’t as prevalent as one would think. Even for the pundits that attend from India, they are likewise engrained into the city.

TM is a lifestyle that you can subscribe to, or not. In the 20 years I’ve been here, neither I, my family, or my friends have been approached or “coerced” to join the movement.

Outsiders are free to come and go as they please in Vedic City, and even the residents of the city often have various businesses and jobs outside the confines of the city.

The only true requirement that has been adhered to is the meditation schedule, and to be honest, it’s no different than going to church daily. They go, do their thing at the dome and then leave back to their lives.

There IS a pull to Fairfield, but at least for the ones I know, who have left and come back, it’s due to a very steeped culture we have. For the most part, we aren’t judgemental of others beliefs, we are one of the top cities for sustainability in Iowa, we boast a steer towards personal and physical health, and we live our lives as we see fit.

Outside of Fairfield, Jefferson county is a rich farm-based countryside.


Cool vid. The one thing I really like about you guys is the lack of drama, which is something humans are becoming more and more attracted to these days. Stay positive and stay safe. Looking forward to your next installment.


I love how yes theory approaches so many different cultures with love and respect. The channel is a great way to see aspects of the world that are normally out of reach. Please keep up this unique form of journalism.


I went to a local TM center about 8 years ago, and I’ve been meditating everyday ever since. It has done literal wonders for my well-being (in combination with therapy). I wasn’t really into the lectures and one can call the organization whatever, but the method is very effective.
