Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet

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This high-fat, high-protein, and low-carb eating plan is sweeping the nation. Our keto dream team shows you how to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

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I'm down 170 pounds since January doing just keto on my own. Do your research before you start. I started at 570. Down under 400. 130 more to go.


rumour has it that the crowd is still clapping.


I have a step by step review on how I lost 81 pounds. My life is better now and plus I have more energy.🙂


I bet this audience will clap even if he said the world will end tomorrow...😂😂😂


For the newbies !

No fruit, unless it’s berries in moderation
No wheat
No sugar
No grains
No pasta
No potatoes
No rice
No beans
No starches
No milk as it’s loaded with sugar. ( unsweetened almond milk is recommended.)

Meat, cheese, eggs, vegetable, nuts, and healthy fats. It’s simple. Stick to that, and you should be ok!

Vegetables that should be avoided are :

Sweet potatoes
Carrots - can be used in moderation, just don’t go over board.

They are full of starches and not recommended.

Make sure to drink half your body weight In oz of water as well if you aren’t getting the adequate amount of water it can be bad for your kidneys! This applies for all forms of keto.

Do not forget your electrolytes, they are needed daily.

A good form of electrolytes is:

Powerade zero
Pickle juice
Pink Himalayan salt added to your food

Strict keto - counts all macros, does not eat processed foods.

Lazy keto - doesn’t track all macros, still eats processed foods, as long as they are on plan

Macros are a break down of the calories you intake for the day. Which should be :

5% carbs
20% protein
75% fat

Carbs are a limit - try not to go over your carb limit.
Fat is a lever - you don’t have to meet your fat macro, it’s simply there to help you get full.
Protein is a goal- try your best to reach your protein goal, but try not to go over. Excessive amounts of protein can cause you to stall in weight loss.

Anything other than this food group selection would be considered low carb. Also, if you are in ketosis, and eat outside of this food group not only could it take you out of ketosis, but it could spike your blood sugar! Which can make you sick.

Hope this helps. 😊

A Keto Helper: The FREE 28 Day Meal Plan With Recipes, Macros & Shopping List


Started Keto 48 days ago. I weighed around 108 kgs and now my weight is 87 kgs. I also added cardio and weight training. The results have been phenomenal!


I actually love the keto diet, I love how it makes me feel. I don't particularly do it for weight-loss, I do it for mental health reasons. It's extremely helpful.


I was an audience member on a food talk show. They have an audience manager who tells you when to clap, ooh and ahhh, say wow or laugh. This manger was on his first day of the job👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


That Audience claps for no reason... over and over... and over....


Who needs keto when you can just clap all those calories away


My deal ! I've battled weight since I was 5, I'm 53 now. In 2005 I came home from work and two half gallons of juice in the matter of seconds ( I'm not exaggerating) I found out I was pre diabetic. Well I didn't take it seriously, went to Lancaster, Pa and gorged myself with everything to eat. This was a chain reaction of my future hell! I couldn't get enough to drink, my kidneys was hurting., my vision was extremely blurry with contrast, I found out I had a kidney stone. Doctors refused to treat me, thinking it was a back injury . They checked my blood sugar and it was 503 . I had neuropathy in my feet which was incredibly painful. I ended up seeing a endocrinologist and he immediately put me on metformin, actos and lantus. I couldn't get my sugar under 250 so the answer bariatic surgery or die. I went to several more doctors as time went on, all the same story except adding more insulin's and pills, with the same exact bariatric recommendation. I was on a list of medicines that looked like a shopping list for 100 people. My father died from complications of diabetes so that also added to mental problems with depression, so more meds more hunger more insulin, foot pain, I could only manage in a scooter. I then sat down and started a plan, low carb only counting total carbs and walking on a treadmill starting at 5 min . In 2.5 years I lost 40 pounds. This was totally unacceptable to me. I started researching keto back as far as the early 1900's. They treated patients with epilepsy. It was very effective from the studies. They also discussed glucose response with carbohydrates. All carbs are not equal. Fiber and sugar alcohols have almost zero effect on insulin response. This is where olestra became popular. You had to eat them in the bathroom because you were stuck there for hours after eating olestra chips. I then started keto according to books and most success dictated net carbs so I went in that direction and lost a total of 185 pounds. No scooter, hiking in the mountains, perfect blood work, I went for an A1C of 12.6 to now I'm at 5.6, I'm only on metformin now but Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm now on a mission to inspire others to do the same . Anyway thanks for your time ! I'm not selling anything and no affiliations to click. Maybe just to inspire people to get moving !


As a doctor specialising in lung and sleep disorders, I absolutely agree with living this way of life! I recommend it to all my patients and live this way myself


Keto is bad
Audiences : clap clap 👏👏👏
I am sorry I mean to say keto is good
Audiences: clap clap👏👏👏


I am a huge fan of the *HyperKeto program* .. I've been on it for about two months now and I can see great results. I'm not saying this just to earn a commission - I truly believe the content is high quality and the diet has been well adapted to my lifestyle. I can't do without it now! I've been on a diet for about two weeks and I can see the difference. It's not that I eat less, but that the food I eat is tailored to my needs. The program is designed in such a way that it helps me plan what to eat without sounding like something is out of reach. It also helped me keep track of my meals.


I thought it was too good to be true I weighed 219 pounds you can laugh, make fun of me but in a week I weighed 209 I started crying because I never lost that much doing a diet but this one is the best


"You pee purple" *crowd claps* lol


Every day Im learning more about the ketogenic diet thanks to HyperKeto. Its not just about losing weight, but also improving overall health and well-being... come on u know that.


The audience “applause” sign light must be malfunctioning


"It turns the pee strip purple"



Lost 30 pounds in 2 months so I do believe it does work.
