Finally! Turkish Newest Unmanned Stealth powered jet Drone' ANKA 3' Success Makes its First Flight

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ANKA 3, a new stealth combat drone developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries and featuring low radar visibility, high payload capacity and multi-mission capabilities, has completed its maiden flight.

the unmanned fighter aircraft, completed its maiden flight in Ankara, a milestone that marks a new era of defense industry autonomy in Turkey. The success of this drone flight not only serves as an example of the progress made by Turkey's aerospace engineering sector, but also places the country at the forefront of advances in UAV technology.

In addition to its innovative design and advanced capabilities, the ANKA III represents more than just new military hardware. This is proof of Türkiye's commitment to strengthening its defense technology and military independence. This commitment is visible in the country's ongoing efforts to develop and expand its domestic military hardware.

The appearance of the ANKA III marks Turkey's increasing role as a manufacturer of advanced UAVs, a development that has attracted global attention. The performance and capabilities of these drones have proven useful in a variety of operational scenarios, making them a sought-after resource in modern military operations. The ANKA III combat drone is expected to enhance Turkey's military surveillance and combat capabilities, providing an advanced tool in line with current global military technology trends in which unmanned systems play an important role.

The Turkish military follows the trend to have an advanced combat drone called Anka-3. This new military tool is a type of winged drone that flies without a tail. According to Essanews, Saturday desember 2023, the advantages of the drone include the addition of stealth technology and a turbofan jet engine.

The first technology allows these drones to be almost invisible on enemy radar screens.

In the test flight, the Anka-3 flew for 70 minutes. The drone climbed nearly 2.4 kilometers and reached a speed of about 173 mph. Turkish defense equipment industry players are optimistic that the Anka-3 will take the Turkish defense industry's ability to create drones to a new level. Because the machine replaces the very popular Bayraktar TB2 drone. The manufacturer of the Anka-3 emphasizes that the turbofan jet engine in this new combat drone model is reliable.

The Anka-3 is primarily built for air-to-ground missions, including deep-strike missions and DEAD/SEAD missions, which target air defenses and possibly divert enemy radar as decoys," wrote the Anka-3 manufacturer in its official statement. It is estimated to have a maximum take-off weight of around 1.2 tons, while its maximum operational altitude is 12 kilometers. Its exact flight distance and duration have not been disclosed, nor has specific information about the drone's armament.
Рекомендации по теме

go Türkiye go, looking foward to seeing KAA flying very soon


Nice 😊😊😊👍Go Turkiyie, insyaAllah Amin yaRabballalamin 🤲🤲🤲🇲🇾🇵🇸🇹🇷


France should have to think again on all policies together with USA


Noldu macron bizi neuron projesine almayırdın haahahhaahah


waxay ila tahay inaa lawqda ogyahay iibla badeena


*Turkiye plans to send Anka-3 to the moon soon.*


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Benim evren anlayışım yani hayata bakış açım henüz İslam'da kelime veya kavramı yok kendimi ifade etmekte cok güçlük çekiyorum çünkü İslam'ın en eğitimli Türkiye'de bile kendimi ifade etmekte güçlük çekiyorum çünkü bu müslümanların pozitif reel maddi bilimsel eğitim alması kolay olmadı yeni yeni başladı herkesin Türkiye'de çocuklarının eğitim alması modası.eskiden özellikle anne ve babalar kız çocuklarına çok fazla eğitim yapma hemen kısa yoldan evlen yuvamı kur diyorlardi bu kötü bişey değildi ama zaman gelisim jenerasyon ömür uzaması yanılsama algı hatalı idi, ebeveyinler çocuklarının kendileri gibi ömrünün kısa olduğunu sanıyorlardı oysa her jenerasyonda kilo boy ömür üzüyor daha fazla oluyor bunu buyukler goremiyordu kızım annelik erkeklerden biraz kısa hemen evlen zamanın fazla yok diyorlardı.simdi ise sık sık duyuorum 56 yaşında anne oldu 65 yaşında anne oldu 70 sinden sonra anne oldu hayretttt bişey yavvv!
söylüyorlar, ama gayet normal o ikinci dünya savaşı insanları oldukça azaldı dünyada ise kamu ve özel bütün koltuklarda yönetim olarak ikinci dünya savaşı soğuk savaş insalari zirrrt gerçekdışı akli getide 1950 kelime kavram ideolojik bohum etmez savaş mavas James Bond Clark gable sosyete Belgin Doruk Beyoğlu aklı evvel çakma yeşil amcuk cahil cu-hela maraba fitne fesat filimleri ile doldu.kariyersiz liyakatsiz diplomaları oyları malları pic evlatları bile şüpheli.
