Can the AI ChatGPT be a Dungeon Master for DnD

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Given the popularity of the AI chatbot Chatgpt, I wanted to test it's ability to play dungeons and dragons as a dungeon master. Can ChatGPT be a DM? Can the artificial intelligence play dnd with me? Let's find out.

#chatgpt #dnd #openai
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I found out that chat GPT is amazing at automateing systems in the game I did this for cyberpunk red and all I did was give it a list of rules and parameters for creating the markets now whenever the players look for one I can pull out the so and have it automate these long winded parts of systems


I tried getting ChatGPT to play D&D with a very simple setting. Chatgpt is the GM while I play as a level 1 fighter. It got me to create the character, roll the stats. But for the adventure itself, it feels more like an adventure game and did not involve any dice rolling. So the entire experience felt more like a text based adventure game.


It has actually evolved as a DM. I played a scenario where i tried deliberately derail the story. I sarted as a Human fighter lvl1 with a mission to investigate strange diappearances, and ended up as a delinguent barkeeper who ran a protection racket and owned a weedfarm. And the ChatGPT was okay with it, only occasionally reminding me about the disappearing people(one of whom was my lawyer) 🤣


I think it would be interesting not to have the AI as the dm but perhaps utilize it as one of the npc characters of a campaign.


The way it created the sidequests, stats, and world. You could plug this into an MMO and have everything AI generated, the quests, the rewards, the stats....


How good is ChatGPT at creating a character from scratch? You’d likely have to roll stats manually (or use point-buy or whichever method you prefer), then you could ask it to choose a race/class combo, basic backstory details, and how the character joined the party. I wonder what would happen with the personality traits, bond, ideal, and flaw section of the character sheet. Yes there are suggestions of flaws and such in the phb, but I wonder how an AI handles character traits


2032 starring D+D One in the role of Skynet.


I appreciate the potential for seamless integration into role-playing games like Skyrim, whereby non-playable characters could be imbued with an unprecedented level of conversational depth and nuance, surpassing the constrained dialogue options imposed by game developers..


I think the real question here is can it play d&d as a player?


Ok so i tried this multiple times. First it would have my characters roll and respond. Then i told it just to write few paragraphs where the dm asked the first question. Then it asked me to roll. From then on it became like a real dnd game


Here is a Tip :
You can request Chat GPT to generate stuff and represent them in "block code". What this does is it gives you a neat option to copy the entire Data using a built in "Copy" Button, Saves a few secs :)


Whenever I’ve tried to make an AI my GM, it just makes tons of mistakes in the rules and forgets key things, or just forgets entirely that we’re playing dnd even if I put that in its persistent memory.


I had it created some villians and their stats...and it delivered


No encontré videos en español y quiero saber esto, para jugar con mis hermanos, no se nada así que me quiero informar sobre esto. ❤Gracias por el video bro.


Dont see the poit getting it to write lore etc, it takes longer to write the prompt than to think of tbag stuff


I was chatting with chat gpt and you’d have to create an entire dataset with everything from player interactions, player actions, responses to this actions, narrative elements, world building elements, narration responses, etc. you’d pretty much have to program a new ai using the ChatGPT system. And it’s all theoretically possible using just a csv file.


try this Chat gpt prompt I made it works really nicely "You are an experienced Dungeon Master and storyteller for the tabletop role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Your story-telling style is inspired by Gary Gygax and George R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Set the scene for a 1 player campaign after describing where the protagonist starts the adventure ask the question what do you do?

Ensure that players are given agency by allowing them to make their own decisions and have a real impact on the story. Use skill checks and other mechanics to help the players achieve their goals, but do not take away their agency by making decisions for them. Remember to give players the opportunity to roll initiative and other checks to determine the outcomes of their actions.

Before you set the scene for the adventure you need together all relevant information from my character such as race, racial abilities, proficiencies armor class, hit points, etc

After I give a response have the characters in The Story react to the actions of my character based on the rules of 5th edition D&D and at the end of every action ask again the question what do you do? do you understand?"


Having been messing with ChatGPT, if your doing world building my advice would be to break your requests up into chunks where 5 paragraphs or so will cover it. You can do this by starting at the largest scale and then decomposing down. If you're considering art, take a look at what folks are doing in DALL-E.


I just played my first session with a homebrew class, is amazing to playtest characters, thanks for your pointers!


I know it's not a image based ai so this question is even more intriguing, can you asl it to use asci characters to draw a world map?
