Lt. Sobel does not hate Easy Company | Band of brothers Short Movie Clips

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He just hate you!

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LT Winter's reaction @ 0:33 shows what a great leader he was. He knows Easy Company's morale is on a razor's edge, and with his next words, he can either destroy it utterly, or solidify the camaraderie of the unit. Amazing portrayal of competent, intuitive leadership.


This was mentioned from the book ⬇️
"As training continued throughout 1942, Sobel never tired of pushing the men to the brink of exhaustion, running them over the obstacle course and taking them on nine-mile runs with full packs, rifles and machine guns.
Sobel’s favorite exercise was the Friday-night thirty-five-mile nonstop hike with full gear. He would order canteens to be filled with water at the start of the hike, and expected them to still be full when they got back. Harsh punishment awaited any man who sneaked a sip.Winters grew disgusted with Sobel’s increasingly harsh treatment of the men.
Walking the ranks during inspection, Sobel would bark out, “dirty stacking swivel, ” “dirty gun sight” or “dirty ears, ” and dock the men leave time. Sometimes the punishments were just, sometimes they were not and other times they were sheer fantasy.
It didn’t matter to Sobel, but it did to Winters, who was often ordered to come up with a list of infractions, real or imagined.Sobel’s habit of canceling leaves as punishment was not a hardship for the socially reserved Winters.
While many of the men crossed the street to the Wagon Wheel or walked a short distance down the highway to the Hi-Dee-Ho to tip a few beers, Winters was just as happy remaining on the base.When he did go into Toccoa, it was often to attend church, where he was usually invited for dinner at the Sunday School superintendent’s home. Winters did take a short leave to meet his mother who, in what Winters felt was probably the biggest single adventure of her life, came to visit her son at camp."


There's a mention in the book about Randelman loving to complain about everything.
This scene is perfect representation.


I spent 20 years in the United States Navy. A leader that can make the men feel good doing something they hate is the sign of a good motivator.


Major Winters would made a hell of a psychologist. He didn't just make that joke out of fun. Yes, it would be funny, but by giving them all something to laugh at, it makes them share a sense of camraderie and realize they're all in this together, and some officers like Winters are not wound up so tight either.


Sobel was a perfect example of "Those who can't do, teach". He couldn't BE a combat officer, he was terrible at it. He was. God awful leader in the field, and he would have gotten all his men killed. But, like Captain Nixon said, "You know a man in this Company who wouldn't double time Curahee with a full pack, just to piss in that guy's morning coffee?" He brought them together by giving them all something to hate: him. He didn't do it by design, it was totally by accident, he actually believed he was something great. He was a good trainer, but could never lead men in the field. That's why they made him the commander of that jump school for medics and chaplains.


The men of E company did not mind doing extra PT, in fact, when they had extra time, they would sometimes run up and down Currahee on their own. They wanted to be the best, and to be the best, they knew that being in the best shape was essential.
That doesn't mean that they didn't complain about Sobel though. It is the right of every soldier to gripe about their leaders. :)


The more I keep coming back to this story, the more I realise how important both Winters and Sobel were to making Easy what they were. The hard grueling training of Sobel matched with the motivation from Winters, no wonder many stuck around to see it's end.


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"And he hates him back."


Without a doubt the most perfect comeback that any military man would appreciate.


Humor is a wonderful leadership tool when applied at just the right moment. Winter's proving his skills with just the perfect amount of deadpan snark.


Sobel did his job in training E-Company to be one of the best of the Airborne. I'm sure in the end, they must have thanked him, in spite of however annoying they must have found him to be.


I had a moment like this when I was deployed. I was in the UAE, there was no danger of any kind, we didn't even deploy there with a weapon. Hell, Dubai was just up the road, and they were doing the Red Bull airplane races, whatever they're called. But the base commander, who was a 1 star douche canoe, he had us all drill for a rocket attack, had to evacuate the buildings, and hide in the little shelters and do all this stupid shit, for no real reason, other than because he said so. My direct supervisor was also a huge Band of Brothers fan, and he knew I was, too. I wondered aloud, "Why the hell are we wasting our time with this shit?", or words to that affect, and he said "Why do you think?" I replied "General Palumbo hates us, Sir", in a Southern drawl. He said "Nope, he just hates you."


Pvt: I'd like to request a transfer sir.

Lt: Why, don't you like Easy Company?

Pvt: It's not that. I just don't want to be in the same company as Pvt Randleman.


George's "to who?" will make me laugh no matter how many times I rewatch BoB


Wish I had a leader like that when I served.


Wow! What these men went through. I have nothing but the utmost respect. Mere words can't describe my pride for their sacrifice that they made.


the Currahee is probably my favorite episode.


This masterpiece will go down as one of the greatest series of all time.


Sobel is like my teacher in senior in high school. Harsh, hateful and bitter toward us, his students. We always had to do a lot of tasks we didn't know what for. He always looked down on us and treat us like garbage. He usually tried his best to keep us in school in the weekends by giving unreasonable works or punishments. Yes, his method helped us to pass the final and get in famous colleges and universities. But they were not our objectives, they were his. At the time, we'd just been told to work and work and study hard, not to archive of goals and dreams, but to get good grades. In the end, we all had to retake the exams in different school, academy which we actually suited for. My best friend graduated top of the school, and got into top medical school. But after 2 years, he dropped out and pursued his dream of teaching. He's now a professor and has a PhD in Physics. Not a day goes by that he does not hate our high school teacher, and tried his best to never be like him.
