The Story of Microfibers

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Most of us wear synthetic fabrics like polyester every day. Our dress shirts, yoga pants, fleeces, and even underwear are all increasingly made of synthetic materials -- plastic, in fact. But these synthetic fabrics, from which 60% of all clothing on earth is made, have a big hidden problem: when they’re washed, they release tiny plastic bits -- called microfibers -- that flow down our drains, through water treatment plants, and out into our rivers, lakes and oceans by the billions.

Watch The Story of Microfibers, and then join us to demand accountability and transparency from clothing manufacturers!



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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Time for me to move to hemp clothing!


Here are some tips to prevent microplastic:
1: use a cold setting when washing clothes
2: instal a microfiber catching filter to your laundry machine or buy a guppyfriend microfiber catcher.


Omg... this is really something I hadn't realized or thought about :( now it is!! Thanks for educating


to stop producing, wearing and washing these fabrics is easy but how the hell are we going to clean our seas from all the microfibers?


Thank you for the Video. I've learned a lot from the Story of Stuff project. I've switched to use only natural cosmetic since the story of cosmetic video (EWG has helped me greatly to keep things in track). I always checked the label every time I buy any household cleaner. This year I started to make my own cleaning products. I homemade soap bar and liquid soap and I made body balm and creams using only organic oil and wax. I've been bringing my own cup for the soda machine and bring my own containers for to-go foods. What are we supposed to do for the synthetic fabrics that are already out there. I just brought some clothing made of synthetic fabrics last week! What should I do with that? If I use it and wash it, it's in the water. If it throw it away, it creates garbage and would probably be in the water eventually. Any solution? I'll do anything I can to be greener, but sometimes I really feel that I have to jump through hoops to be green. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but seeing what happened to the environment really depresses me. Please keep up the good works though. We need your guidance and directions to lead us to a greener planet.


Thanks guys, educational and funny as always. Even regarding such a dire subject. Keep making great videos!


To be honest, I always tend to buy clothes that is made of cotton. But it is just getting so hard to find 100% cotton these days


Hey, That's our Annie ...she went to Greenpeace, but lo and behold!!! here she is again... I LOVE YOU ANNIE LEONARD, WITH ALL MY HEARTS


I didn't know my super soft active wear was apart of this problem. This makes me sad. It's the only clothing I like to wear.


Microplastics are pretty big molecules compared to a lot of the stuff we put down drains. We shouldn't be putting water in the ocean. We should clean it and reuse it. Only reason to put water in the ocean is because it is cheaper to keep draining lakes and aquafirs than clean and recycle it. We should focus on better water recyling because it's not just microplastics that go does drains. We pee out drugs. We spit toothpaste and mouthwash. We shower off shavecream, hairspray, hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, hair dye, eye shadow, masquerra, lipstick, chapstick, coverup, blush, sex lube, spermicide, sunscreen, bug repellent, wound antiseptics, burn cream, rash cream, jock itch cream, athlete's foot spray, baby powder, hand sanitizer, handsoap, cologne, perfume, deoderant.. We use dishsoap, laundrysoap, fabricsoftener, dryer sheets, whiteners, dyes... We use products to clean sinks and bathtubs and toilets. We launder rags we use with wood polish or stainless steel polish or shoe shine or multisurface cleaner. We dump mop water down the drain with the mop detergent and water from carpet cleaners with the carpet detergent. We put grease down drains and when the grease clogs the drains we pour down chemicals to dissolve the grease. All kinds of stuff goes down drains, there isn't some special magic about microplastics that they alone evade our crude water treatment facilities. Many pharmaceuticals are now at detectable levels in natural bodies of water, because people take the pills and then pee in their toilets. I don't think we should get people to stop taking medicine, we should take care of our wastewater.


Disposable products were first created by huge corporations as a "cost-saving measure." Before that happened, America had an efficient recycling system.


Thank you very much, I have to make a presentation on microfibers and this video has given me a clearer idea on the subject ♡


Consider using the „Guppy Friend“ Bag. It prevents the microfibers from going down the drain:)


Durante unos cuatro años hemos estado trabajando sobre un
proyecto de investigación y desarrollo de fibras naturales, adelantándonos y
buscando soluciones a un problema grave que tiene la industria textil como es
el abuso de fibras sintéticas y materia recuperada o reciclada
para volverlas utilizar en la fabricación.

El problema surge cuando se llega al límite de la carga de rotura
de la fibra después de tanta reutilización. ¿Habéis observado la cantidad de pelusas
que suelta vuestra ropa? micro partículas que se desplazan por el suelo de
vuestra habitación y se deposita encima de las superficies.

Las fibras naturales como el cáñamo, evitan este problema

Es más duradero, natural, sin pesticidas en su cultivo, es hipo
alérgico, cuida la piel por sus propiedades anti bacteriológicas…etc. Por
cierto es más barata su fibra que una fibra recuperada de plástico….


Let’s start by requiring all plastic product manufacturers and distributors to pay into a fund that covers the actual cost of plastic remediation. A real problem with plastic right now is that companies incur this hidden cost and someone else usually the government picks up the tab. The problem won’t get solved as long as hemp, glass, and Other sustainable solutions are more expensive than plastic because we’re not paying the actual cost at the checkout register


Great film! May i help in making a Dutch translation or there one?


These videos are so informative and interesting :)


I tough it was a video about microfiber towel and rags used to clean stuff


We love the video! It’s a huge step in the right direction. We hope the video reaches as many people as possible, we would go ahead to add your video to one of our playlists to inspire climate solutions. -Team PlanetCents


Then I'm very curious, is there any actions trying to collect up microfibers?
