Master Java Interfaces step-by-step

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Java Interface Tutorial - Easier than You Think!
Interfaces in Java, starting with fundamentals: what is a Java interface and how do we create one? Progressing into more advanced territory, we explore the nuances of Java interfaces, including Java 8 functional interface, default methods, static methods, interface inheritance, and generic interfaces. You will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the interface keyword in Java.
00:00 What are interfaces in Java, why are interfaces useful?
01:11 Interface example 1: Logger
01:31 Interface example 2: UserStore
03:35 Interface example 3: 3rd party libraries
04:24 Interface constants
04:48 Implicit interface keywords
05:18 Java 8 default method
06:38 Java 8 static method
09:07 Implementing multiple interfaces
10:01 Interfaces inheritance
10:32 Generic interface, Comparable interface
11:53 Summary
#java #interfaces #interface #tutorial
Interfaces in Java, starting with fundamentals: what is a Java interface and how do we create one? Progressing into more advanced territory, we explore the nuances of Java interfaces, including Java 8 functional interface, default methods, static methods, interface inheritance, and generic interfaces. You will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the interface keyword in Java.
00:00 What are interfaces in Java, why are interfaces useful?
01:11 Interface example 1: Logger
01:31 Interface example 2: UserStore
03:35 Interface example 3: 3rd party libraries
04:24 Interface constants
04:48 Implicit interface keywords
05:18 Java 8 default method
06:38 Java 8 static method
09:07 Implementing multiple interfaces
10:01 Interfaces inheritance
10:32 Generic interface, Comparable interface
11:53 Summary
#java #interfaces #interface #tutorial
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