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Larry Graves AKA Canadian Studmuffin is from Trenton Ontario Canada and has been creating original videos on YouTube since February 2006. I have many videos on rock music, comedy videos, cat videos, reaction videos and much more!

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In the spring of 1979, I was in Allentown, Pennsylvania and I was walking through a large park and I saw a group of people walking toward me. As they came closer, I noticed that I knew 3 people in this group of 7. I knew Tom and two others were "famous people" - John Lennon & Oko Ono. We met and Tom and I exchanged pleasantries and introduced me to John, Yoko, AND their son Sean. I remember John saying to me, You have a very nice park here, Joel and little Sean chimed in with no big buildings!" Sean let out a childish giggle. Yoko just smiled. I said to John, "I live in the town next door, Bethlehem." All in a matter of about 20 to 30 seconds.


I felt like a piece of my childhood died when John Lennon was killed Larry and yes I cried like a baby when it happened, I was twenty five years old and that night my father told me that one of the Beatles had been shot and I really didn't think it would be serious but a little later I heard the horrible truth, horrible just horrible, next to my family and my God the Beatles are the biggest influence in my life and the reason I ever became a musician in the first place, John Lennon's death was a tragic and completely pointless event, so sad and extremely sad for Sean, Julian and Yoko and his family, we have to remember Larry as sad as we all felt these people were his family and had it worse then us, they knew and loved the man and we never met him, it must have been completely devastating for them especially for Yoko who witnessed his murder, the murder of the man she loved, she's a very strong woman and poor Sean lost the father who would never see him grow up, just so sad, God bless you John Lennon, still loved all these years later. Bob


It is a sad anniversary. I had an exam the next day and was displacing from studying ... so, i was watching the football game - which is something i never do. I saw the announcement that he'd been shot and hoped he was going to be ok. But soon we learned that he wasn't. What a terrible night. Thanks for doing this tribute, Larry.


Good morning sir
Thank you very much for showing your John and Yoko collection
Even though I was not born when John went to heaven, I love and miss him more and more every day
I became a fan of John and The Beatles when I was five years old and I remember that when I was like about six or seven years old, I told my dad that I wanted to meet John Lennon
He told me that was impossible, and I thought that he was just pulling my leg but after begging him and begging him to please help me meet John was when he finally told me what had happened to him
At the time, I didn’t understand what it meant when a person passed away
However, when he finally explained to me, I felt extremely sad
However, I know that he is in heaven, and from up there, he is taking care of all of us who love him
John Lennon will always be my favorite person in the world because he was not only an amazing singer and songwriter, but he was also an amazing human being
RIP John Lennon
You will never be forgotten because you are, and will always be the best


Hi Larry -thanks for the nice tribute to Mr Lennon. Cheers


☮️ All so it's Jim Morrison Birthday of the Doors


43 long years without John, such a terrible loss for the music business and for us all. And this hits even harder after I heard about the passing of Denny Laine😥


I was 12 years old when John was killed. I knew about the Beatles through my aunt & uncle who were teens when they came over & actually saw them in concert at the one place they played in New Jersey, which was in Atlantic City. And then over those years, I became more & more of a fan. Both John & George are missed every day.😢


Nice thoughts. In Australia it was the 9th, I had just gotten home from school, I was 11, and sat down to watch Simon Townsend’s Wonder World when I heard the news on the radio from the next room. My sister was a huge Beatles and John Lennon fan and my mum had bought her Double Fantasy for Christmas so she gave her the record that evening instead of waiting till Christmas.


❤ Love John Lennon .
I remember being Stationed in
West Germany in Army. I woke up to the news which brought me to Tears. I just bought Double Fantasy the Day of its release. I loved Watching the Wheels feeling it was his last Masterpiece looking back.
It's still very Sad. He was just getting Creative again.
John Voice to me was the One.
Greatest Rock n Roll Voice.
When John was Dailed in you can't touch him.
POB a Masterpiece.
Imagine is close. My Favorite I go to most often is WALLS and Bridges. John left us so much from The Beatles to His Solo work . More importantly his Voice for the People. John was a Leader . John reached Deep into the Well Faults and All. That's what made him great. My Favorite Beatle . I feel for Yoko and Sean and Julian and All who loved him.
Paul and Ringo who recently gave us Now and then. A final song of The Beatles with George contributing as well.
Going to reflect like I do every year around this Time.
Happy X-mas War is Over always hits me this time of year.


A dark day. The photo of John in the thumbnail is haunting. It was taken by Annie Leibowitz on December 8th, 1980 and knowing his killer is waiting for him down below...Annie later that day was in the emergency room photographing the ER surgeon as he announced John's death. RIP John. Best wishes to Yoko whose ailing right now.❤✌


Season Of Glass is a Yoko album that fits this day. Peace
Milk And Honey is very strong I think, also production wise.


I was 11 years old when I heard the news of John’s assassination. Watched it on the BBC 9 O Clock news the next day (Tuesday night). Even though I didn’t realise the magnitude of what had happened, I knew something big had occurred on December 8. And of course, a few years later, I became a Beatles fan. Very thoughtful memories Larry.


I do remember the day John died. I was only 12 years old and Mom walked in to my bedroom and told me that John Lennon had been shot and killed. I was shocked like other people all around the world. May he Rest In Peace. Thanks for the music, John!!!


Nicely put together here Larry. Tastefully remembered.


John Lennon’s passing is one of the worst things happen in history, such a sad day! You have a great collection of John Lennon albums, it’s amazing that Sean and Yoko know who you are and have sent you gifts! ☮️❤️


I did mention this on one of Larry's live chats, in a truncated version. But I will never forget the night Lennon died. I was 17, and a friend and I went to see Humble Pie in Kansas City that night. To this day, it was one of the strangest shows I have ever seen. Singer Steve Marriott was absolutely drunk, and another substance or two were likely involved.

Humble Pie only played a handful of 'extended' songs, and an irritable Marriott was berating the audience and was even trying to pick fights with some fans near the stage. It was surreal, back when I didn't even know what "surreal" even was! We left the show unsure what the Hell we just saw. We heard a few folks outside the venue stating that Lennon was dead. What the...?

We got to the car, turned on the radio, and a solemn DJ confirmed it. My friend was a huge Lennon fan and burst into tears. I just sat there stunned. I was always a Beatles fan, so if it had been ANY member, it would have been the punch in the gut that it was. It was such a pointless crime. I remember listening to the then released DOUBLE FANTASY on repeat for the next two weeks straight. 😢


agree 100% with everything you said. 2 of my favorite Yoko songs are Listen the snow is falling and Born in a Prison.


I was only 4 years old, just a few months or so before I entered kindergarten, so have no real memory of that horrible day and only became a full blown Lennon devotee in the late 80's, but the various newsreel footage of all those grieving fans holding vigils outside the Dakota and Central Park in the immediate aftermath never fails to choke me up.


Thx Larry, I just now saw this. I was living in White House, Tn. at the time. I'm sure you've never been, and you aren't missing anything. It's always a melancholy day for me. Of course, I always listen to some John/Beatles. This might sound strange, but I've never really accepted it. Too horrible to be true, but I know it is. Like you the Beatles are my all-time #1.
