R Programming & RStudio for BeginneRs - Learn all important basics in less than 45 minutes

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Ahoy, in this beginner-friendly tutoRial you'll learn the following: (1) Installation of R and RStudio, (2) Handling and functionality of RStudio, (3) Commands, (4) Packages, (5) Loading datasets, (6) Saving a project. Including general helpful tips. For a more detailed table of contents, see the chapter descriptions.

00:00 Intro
00:17 Installation RStudio & R
01:53 The first start
04:05 Layout and general introduction to RStudio
06:12 Starting with the tutoRial script - general introduction
10:45 R & objects ("How to save things?")
17:32 R commands
19:39 The help & autocomplete functions
23:34 R commands (cont.)
25:35 Packages - installing and loading
29:27 Import datasets
32:35 Handling datasets
40:38 Saving R scripts and workspaces

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Btw. at the end, where I purposefully created an error, there is another way to fix it (however I decided to not include it out of didactic reasons). So, an alternative way to fix this error is by accessing the column named "mathscore" by using dataset$"mathscore" instead of as.data.frame(dataset[, "mathscore"]).
